
Haha, don't feel bad. I do it a lot as well with things. Makes absolutely no sense at all but yet here we are!

Yeah, that is a bit weird. Though, maybe some dive bombers could've as they were really just fighter planes...but either way that would be out of context as well in the picture above...

That would be because some fighter pilots actually did put art on the nose of their planes that wasn't just a pattern, teeth or some other generic design.

Ah yes, that does appear to be Rapunzel! Good eye!

No clue, Mulan is an official princess according to Disney...this also leaves out Jasmine, Rapunzel and Ariel as well

Biodiesel is less efficient, lowers mpg and can damage your engine if it's not filtered enough. Most people do NOT have the resources on hand to do this as a means to cope with higher gas.

Exactly, though some newer titles are pretty close or exactly the same. Either way...if no used game stores is the future...then this has to change for sure.

Cheaper games? Ha! I'll believe that when I see it...

There's also the Ruso-Japan War as well to play with in either scenario if one wanted to.

Actually the word vacation has nothing to do with being paid or not. I went on vacation a couple years ago with some friends and family, did I get paid? Nope. Was it still a vacation? You better believe it!

Why do people spend hours and hours talking about sports brackets or cars? Because they enjoy it. Same thing with us cosplayers of the world. It's a way to have fun and enjoy something with other people.

I think the main point of what Tara was talking about was those faking it just to get something out of it and not caring about the subject matter at all. Every social group has them and always has. While some may get interested in the "geek culture" it's not a lock and many will do it just because they feel they can

What exactly is "goth" about any of these? They look ripped from the annual prom season mags...

E85 around Pittsburgh is almost $3 a gallon

I can name at least a dozen of our states that are larger than England, what's your point?

Tell that to the Middle Eastern countries, they actually freak out if gas goes over 80cents a gallon.

Well...hey, aside from that running thing...the rest is in great shape! ~.^

Probably some Forza4, Halo: Reach and Ace Combat: Liberation

I've got a '00 VW Beetle TDI that I'm currently selling! Doesn't run at the moment...not sure what's up with it (could be an alternator) but I'll let her go for under $5k for sure!

Unless the roads where you live has no safe biking at all...