
I have to agree. I mean the idea is great and probably is the future. It's just that 5 year tag on there. If he would've said by the end of the decade or by 2022 or something, then I could have less of a problem with it.

I'd say that was more of an Open Mic Night...but that's just me.

My biggest thing is, who is going to teach using all this? Is every teacher going to be retrained in the entire country? In just 5 years? Somehow that seems unrealistic. I mean just look at the number of SmartBoards that go unused or under used due to technophobic teachers that either don't know enough on how to use

I think you're thinking of Teenage Wasteland...

Fun matter what, the groundhog is right.

Interestingly enough many make the equivalent of minimum wage in the USA...even if they worked 60 hours a week. Sure there's no overtime and all but their hourly wage isn't bad if they stick around a little while.

That's just personal preference though. I've laid in bed doing the exact same thing with the Kindle several times and had no problems nor discomfort. Just like an iPhone is the perfect screen size for someone and a mammon 4.6" screen on an Android set is more comfortable. That does not make it better or worse for the

Last I checked you could still buy print books from Amazon as well as e-books.

My wife loves her Kindle 4 Touch. It has buttons that you have to press too ya know, is cheaper and does exactly the same thing. You're nitpicking...the bezel? really? Come on...

Having known a few booth babes over the years, some of them have a ton of fun doing it and really seem to enjoy themselves. That said, they were for much smaller vendors and were actually knowledgeable of the products they were helping to hawk.

I believe the headline confused you.

Didn't Time magazine run an article back in the 70's which said almost the same thing, except that we were headed to an ice age? Sure 30 years of understanding things further has changed the viewpoint of scientists, but will 30 years from now result in the same thing...again?

Of course there is my favorite...if you go backwards with Ford

Ask Gibson...

Move on? That's implying that cyberpunk has gone anywhere. There's still quite a few of us out there in the cyberpunk sphere of things.

The queen may have had a nest on the ship. However, with the arrival of the human colony it could have moved to a more favorable location. Just as I'm sure there is a bee hive somewhere around, when I build my house the bees may decide my house looks like a better place to nest than the tree they were in before.

Just a quick thing...the Nostromo is the name of the tug ship that Ripley, Dallas, et al were on. There is no name for the for the "Spacey Jockey" ship...

Didn't I recently see a Giz article saying that Hotmail was a viable option for those who wanted to break free of Google services?

You do realize the search works just the same as it did before, right? The only thing that has changed is you see who of your Google+ contacts shared a page or you can select to see what pages they've +1'd or shared instead of looking at the normal results.

Just like the featured her last time as well...