
Signs? Really? That was scary? Sure it could be on the list but definitely should've been in the 40's or maybe an honorable mention. It's a movie about an alcoholic preacher who's having a faith crisis. The alien has nothing to do with the movie at all...besides all that film for what? one blue alien that you never

She's deliciously evil...I'd get along well with her I think.

Even more amazing...the only thing that really exists is a spec and a trailer...nothing more. Should be interesting to see if they can hit the Oct 20, 2012 date...

Even better question would be the use of adds that white out the article for 15-30seconds. Gawker is getting cheap on us...

Return to Oz...oh how delightfully twisted that movie was. More people really should see it, they may understand where things went wrong with me as a child lol

It's an interesting question, they could've picked any year for this to happen. They just went with that once since so many were already using it more than likely. If you already have a large segment of the population going with a certain time system, why change it? Would've been some pretty weird stuff going on if

He kind of does now that I look at it more closely...really funny since their faces are all screwed up due being subjected to absurd G-forces in a centrifuge...maybe that's what happened to good old Eastwood? lol

That'd be Chevy Chase and Dan Akroyd...the movies is called Spies Like Us, a great 80's spy/cold war spoof film.

Seems that all of the Galaxy S phones have this...(Captivate, Fascinate, etc).

My Fascinate has the puzzle piece for unlocking and answering/ignoring calls and also when text messages come in. It's had it since 2.1 and is still there with 2.2

Just wait for Microsoft to put this integration in with the cable services they're adding to the system. Up until the Steam integration on Apple they've been left in the dust as far as serious gaming goes on every platform. With the casual games now available for the 360, PS3, Wii and even DirecTV has gaming

Don't forget Snow Crash. It's pretty much what would happen if the Oligarchy of US ran out of control...

Probably for the same reasons you stated. It would seem to be easier to refuel, re-crew and all that within the US borders at the time. Germany is a bit too close to the the former USSR, could've been picked off too easily. Same with Japan.

I don't think that will ever happen...Microsoft would have a field day going after them for that one. Especially since Kinect for PC has already been announced...

There are skeptics because you need them for science and they challenge things to prove or disprove the findings. It's rather important in science I think for them to exist.

Haven't really seen evidence of this. What I have seen is that many do not fully believe that humans are the cause of the whole thing. Whatever side of that debate you're on, it seems most are for the idea of conservation and all that...just not willing to blame humans for the entire thing.

Haha, love the headline over at the Daily Mail.."What two glasses of wine a day will do to you after 10 years" Really? I mean come should know better Giz. It's the DAILY MAIL. Not to mention a glass or two of wine a day isn't abusing anything or causing that much harm, in fact most health professionals say

Sorry to hear you've had so many problems with a Galaxy S phone. I've had mine up and running for over 156hrs 31min at this point (just checked) without the slightest hiccup. If you're wondering, it's the Fascinate which is basically the same as the Captivate. I only restart every once in a while...maybe once a

Apple keeps making the same product over and again with added functionality that should've been there from the beginning.

Yeah, the Samsung feature that's on the Galaxy S/SII phones has the guide still but it is one continuous pan motion that you make. You don't have to wait for each pic to be just goes along and then stitches them together at the end or when you tell it to stop (up to 8 frames either held in portrait or