I've always been pushing the terraforming agenda.
thousand frames per second.
smugleaf isnt so smug any more when it loses all its limbs.
and thus the digital mask turns into a paper bag. i'm just being harsh.
the uncanny valley in japan is most oftenly deeper than the ones in the west.
send out contractors to build friggin giant mechs everywhere and cultural domination will be complete.
the duke never takes off his shades.
to be honest, knowing how the defence industry work. those figures are probably extremely over inflated.
looks fine, its a great game. silly minute reasons such as this is no excuse not to experience the game.
square has been in a downward spiral this past years so whether or not this was an internal problem or console politics is hard to say. probably a bit of a and a bit of b or a whole lot of each in this matter.
we need a smaller test subject or maybe even pets.
it can never be big enough
been a while since ive seen the word playstation followed by home.
whoops, did i mute my web browser?....
@AErikson: not really a trailer but still good.
i keep thinking the after years as some colleage humour skit.
I agree on the UI, needs a fantasy facelift.
I remember the tokyo gundam as being able to move some limbs and shoot smoke and lasers out of its head.
optimus primal! is that you?