i think i saw a ufo
i think i saw a ufo
ugh, marketing has tighten its grip on their love child.
4 and 8gb memory units are probably cheaper than 512 these days.
this man is going to make MILLIONS!
@Cromwell: back in china, they used to have million men armies that clashed with hundreds of thousands of dead in battles that went on for days.
yup, lets all go back to personal face to face warfare when we could see the whites of their eyes as we gutted them with a saber and when the casualties soared to the tens of thousands on each side.
Don't taxi drivers have the same thing? its most probably a brain adaptation to fit their jobs.
Wonder if they are starting up a kinect specific app store or something.
a way to reuse all the korean models from the crisis games.
i dont remember the original gameboy having such good frames per second
this is the best news i could have had today
and whos the bond girl for this episode?
I thought that was a new skybox or something.
orange = arent you? BIT OF A STRETCH
tom cruise had to wear special gloves in the movie. this is truly hands free.
looks like someone suffered a heroin relapse.
if you want to start a fight, make sure that you have substance behind your words because, as we so often know these days, talk is cheap.
@Neko (Mimi) Mode: im pretty sure that the language in baba yetu is real.
@Snow leopard: fantastic.