
This. I’m tired of this bullshit that she’s some uniquely weak candidate. We’re not supposed to talk about it, but we’re going to look back at this and realize how much of her difficulty in being a frontrunner was little more than the result of her being a woman to an electorate fighting against history.

40 percent of voters voted for Herbert Hoover after the Crash. It’s the USA.

The first twenty minutes of that debate was especially disgusting. Truly the lowest I have ever seen anyone sink on a debate stage in my 33 years. I watched the debate with various family members, including my parents (ages 65 and 80), and everyone agreed they’d never seen anything like this.

Because Americans hate women and minorities?

But, he hasn’t though. These debates have absolutely killed him. Are you following the same election I am? Have we forgotten this quickly that the race in 2012, for instance, was much closer in the polls? Can we stop this talking point that he is somehow a stronger candidate than most? Because he’s been an awful

I thought the black guy who asked how Trump would be a President for everyone got the shaft of the night. Trump responded by talking about violence in inner cities. Not all black people live in the inner city you racist asshole!

When she kept going without flinching, without stepping away, without showing any discomfort or breaking even for a second while he intimidatingly loomed up behind her I honestly choked up. I know that feeling of a large man standing too close for you, and how hard it is to train yourself not to react. Hillary is made

I greatly enjoyed the Sanders die-hards during the convention who were so focused and zealous that their tone became “the biggest impediment to Bernie Sanders being elected is Bernie Sanders and if it wasn’t for Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic candidate for president right now. Down with Bernie

Has anyone created a lefty “purity test”? I ask this as a 100% pure lefty.

creating a hostile work environment by threatening to criticize staff members if they quit.

There was only one professor that I had during my MA who I ever became close enough to consider regularly joining for drinks or socializing with. With most of my profs, I never had the urge to cultivate a relationship outside of the classroom. The professor I did form a friendship with was always on the up-and-up.

Yeah, as both a teacher and a grad student, I did not want to “party” with my profs or students. An end of session pub night or potluck is totally enjoyable (assuming there aren’t any raging egos in the group), but getting shitfaced with the people you’re trying to convince of your genius always seems like a poorly

My husband is a professor. I’ve heard some stories about bad behavior but this blows them all out of the water. The drinking culture is definitely a big part of academia, at least in science. And a fair number of professors have intense personalities. Not necessarily a great mix, though this guy sounds like he was

Believing Harwood would try to be inappropriate with the female student, Student B followed and ended up restraining Harwood. While he had Harwood restrained, Student B said that Harwood grabbed and squeezed his buttocks.The report said that when members of the group suggested that Harwood go home for the evening, he

I have rage and the ability to throw things really accurately. Tell me where to muster and I will be there.

whats wrong is that feminazis got their king joffrey kicked off of twitter and now they are throwing a temper tantrum that ruins lives

You make me feel so blue. Grey. White? I don’t know.

Jeebus, can’t you just enjoy the fact that these people didn’t find it awkward and the daughter was happy and the dude was happy?

Donald Trump is the Witch King of Angmar. No man can slay him, as the Republican primaries have made clear.

I seriously can't handle Trumpence. Everything about it is funny.