
Seriously! What kind of manager won’t get their hands a little dirty for two hours to help their best employee, with a backstory like that, attend her college graduation.

Libertarian Island!! Where it's bootstraps for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Normally when a headline says, “worst ever, nightmare boss, world’s worst, etc.” I am let down by the content- in this case, WOW, just wow. That’s not just the worst manager in the world, that may be the least reflective, insightful, empathetic person ever born.

Absolute assholes, yes. Completely. But bigger ones? I’d say a dead heat and they should all be banished to the Libertarian Island.

Manager account spotted.

In my mind it sounds more like her co-workers are the bigger asses than this manager.

You’ve been very lucky with your bosses if this doesn’t ring true to you.

I thought the Bible was the greatest story ever told. Then I read this.

I think the only semblance of reality in this article is the guzzling of two bottles of wine.


Needs a few more rounds in the workshop.

So you guys are trolling your own site now?

Just another bullet-ridden day in the good ole US of A.


I love him so much. I’ve never been so sad to see a president go.

It took me about 5 seconds, because that’s my dog. Oops.

Hell hath no fury like the uninvolved.

Not only is it believable, Republicans think this is normal. This is the way things were supposed to happen. His right to have a gun to kill her with is more important than her right to life.