Isn’t the internet amazing?
Isn’t the internet amazing?
I love how you strawman...
Yeah...about that... you asserted through questions about something I made absolutely no claim to.
“She got a call back to interview. I did not.”
I will work on my manners.
This statement along with the belief that victimization is empowering is why I could never take modern so called “feminism” seriously.
I call bullshit on your software engineer claim.
Lmao, back peddling?
Absolutely everyone’s experience will be different and that is ultimately what I am arguing.
Perhaps you don’t understand how resumes and the general interview process works. While my resume and hers were pretty identical at that time (we actually used the same format as we worked on then together as a class assignment). Her name (being female) stood out from the stack. This got her the initial call to…
When did I speak about programming?
Because there is so much more substance in the “women are victims because they are women” argument.
Did you ever consider that you yourself are self absorbed and enamored in your own bullshit thinking that women are victims purely based upon them being born female?
First and foremost, Can you show me where I claimed it to be data?
Youre right. It’s about “you’re a woman so you’re a victim”
Why do you think I care about the opinion of someone that wants women to see themselves as victims?
First step is reading.