
Yeah, they used to tell us to greet each passenger by offering a fist bump. I don’t know if they still do; even back when I was driving I only did it if the passenger put it out there, and every other Lyft driver I knew did the same. I’ve taken a lot of Lyfts the last few days (I’m temporarily physically unable to

Although Mark Cuban as POTUS is a dumb idea, I gotta admit that him sitting courtside at sessions of Congress or Supreme Court oral arguments would be great goddamn TV.

You’re not a dick. Uber management are the dicks. It’s not passengers’ fault that Uber actively discourages tipping the drivers. You wanna make a positive difference as a customer? Use Lyft instead of Uber. Lyft treats their drivers much, much better. And no, the driver isn’t gonna try to give you a fist bump. That

At first, I did OK, averaging between $15-20 an hour. By then end, I was getting more like $7-9 an hour—BUT, then I realized that all that was BEFORE TAXES. Uber, Lyft, and any other “sharing economy” independent contractor jobs take nothing out for taxes when they pay you. Then at tax time, you owe the government

Uber is way, way worse than Lyft. I’ve driven for both. Orders of magnitude: if Uber is Coca-Cola, Lyft is Dr. Brown’s Cream Soda.

IMO Travis Kalanick is no better than Martin Shkreli. Kalanick’s business model is to exploit people who don’t have enough income by presenting Uber as a unique modern tech entity, to which existing employment and labor laws don’t apply.

Uber says that they want passengers to think of it as a “the tip is already rolled into the price” thing. Which, like everything Uber management says, is total bullshit. What they’re not saying is that they are not in business to make money for the drivers. They consider the drivers expendable schmucks who should be

I don’t Uber/Lyft drive anymore, but if I did I would have no problem at all with there being a more thorough vetting/licensing, as long as it wasn’t unduly expensive and/or onerous. What the strippers have to go through for licensing is fucking bullshit. And sexist, racist bullshit at that.

At least here in LA, it’s not like you can make anything even approaching a living driving for Uber. Maybe you could have back when I started driving Uber (and Lyft) in Sept 2014, but even back then you’d have had to be out driving at least 50-60 hours a week. Nowadays, forget it. Uber lowered fare prices at least 3

Cal alum posts yet another bit of unabashed Cal homerism. *Yawn*

I’m not defending shit. Look at the miniscule number of extras the producers of the then-highest-rated-sitcom on TV bothered to employ for a scene that’s supposed to be at a Yankee stadium day game. Not to mention the poor Soup Nazi being reduced to working as an extra sitting in the first row.

Watching that goal live, I yelled “OH! OHHHH filthy!” loud enough to startle my snoozing dog.

“My point is, I only look very slightly dumber than you guys.”

If I’m Kevin Gameiro, I feel jobbed: that was the most half-hearted “Goooooool” call I’ve ever heard from a TV commentator. Totalmente sin pasión.

a, perhaps, sub-optimal cross by Leighton Baines.

Actually, if you look at the replay Funes-Mori’s goal for Everton went in right on the stroke of 90:00. The +7 of stoppage time was put up afterward. So I don’t blame Everton for calling bullshit.

Personally, I’m lovin’ the verve and excitement of the clips en Español; the Russian announcers, OTOH, seem to have staked out a middling no-man’s land between Pat Summerall minimalism and ESPN Deportes pasión.

I’m not saying Russia is messed up, necessarily, but when a 5-yard misdirection Fat Guy TD gets you more excited than a Christian McCaffrey catch 75 yards to the house on the first play from scrimmage... sumpin’ ain’t right.

This just in: Stanford has scheduled her for an honorary flunk-out. I believe the ceremony involves the Tree mascot showing up at her house and pooping on her diploma.

Apparently her support made Iowa perform about as well as her campaign.