
Is it a thing around here? Yeah, it's MY thing! Get your own schtick!

Porous defense or not, hats off to Kay Bailey Hutchinson or whatever he's called for pulling this off. Just about nobody who's not named Zlatan could hit that shot more than 2 times out of 100.

Goddamnit. I've lost a step. I wanted to be the token "awful defense" wet blanket commenter!

Did somebody say "photoshop?" Don't mind if I do!

Psst, Ms. Santana: they're NBA players. They'll be getting blown pretty much at will no matter if they win 4 games or 47 games.

Ah yes, the ol' eephus goal. Fergie Jenkins used to throw one.

Is it just me, or is this BeIN announcer's "goooooooooool" call limp and half-hearted? Dude, if you're gonna do it, at least give it some gusto.

I was gonna say, with that much hang time on the ball from Oyongo, there shoulda been enough defenders on BWP to make him have to call for a fair catch.

Oh and by the way, as if all the above weren't enough: Bumgarner was also the best hitting pitcher in baseball this season (.258, 4 HR, 15 RBI, .755 OPS).…

HEY. I'll have you know, American kids can rub one out in the back seat of any kind of car.

+1 for the chuckle and +1 more for having composed a Swiss Army Knife of a comment, applicable as it is to practically any comment thread anywhere on the internet

*Doffs cap, bows deferentially*

Unsecured waistband = rookie mistake. Every 7th grader who has been (or seen someone) pantsed knows that.

Now playing

Still long odds against Darko getting the bout he wants against the Italian ref from the 2007 Eurobasket Serbia-Greece game:

Psalms, John... friggin' homophones! Note to self: Just write "Bible x:xx." — Kolten Wong

Kid is one second away from declaring he has HAD IT with that dude's bullshit.

For it to be a 2, it would have to be both upside down and inverted. Y'know, like Darren Rovell's head relative to his ass.

This post was the best Itchy & Scratchy cartoon I've seen since the end of the FXX marathon.

Hey Niners — perfect excuse to bring back Lon Simmons for a few games!

A kita says that ball was outside.