
Odd... everything I know about this situation screams to me that Roger Goodell is completely full of shit. But watching this video, he looks much more like he is completely full of cherry flavored Hi-C. What else is that red? ...Robitussin? ...Borscht?

"Yes, I've been paid very well for 21 years for watching my teammates' games from a first-class seat at field level... but think of all the balls I didn't get to pick out of my own net."

*Zenit front office phone rings*

Unfortunate for Michael Sam himself, and the many fans who were/are rooting for him to play well and make an NFL roster. Hard to understand, or might you just be a little quick on the "distraction" trigger finger?

49ers front office is appealing for restitution from the Ravens, since if it hadn't been for Ray Rice, Smith would only have got 5 or 6 games.

Minard: Oh shit, check out how the "69" line is going right into my ear! Officer, can I get a copy of this mugshot? I need to send it to someo—... oh wait, that's right.

The ol' nothing-but-a-solitary-period, while I languish in grayed-out Pending Comment obscurity. Ouch. Not in the face...

Homer: Mmm... flare-roasted pooork…

Happiest guy in the ballpark that Justin Morneau broke up the perfect game fair and square may well have been first base umpire Jim Joyce. Many will recall that it was Joyce, umpiring at the same position, who cost Armando Galarraga a perfect game back in 2010. Just a funny coincidence — I don't mean to pile on Joyce,

Look for Ms. Anderson and/or ESPN to attempt to walk back the choice to report on Michael Sam's showering. You know... blather, rinse, retreat.

That photographer is lucky Gizmodo picked this up, 'cause you know what's more deserted than Sochi? LiveJournal.

+1 for the refreshing choice of utopian future over dystopian future.

It's good to be Bright, but he's still at least one d(y)ke short of Hart Lee Dykes.

No. The part of the rule about the runner says that a runner with an open path to the plate cannot diverge from that path in order to initiate contact with the catcher or other player covering home. But the catcher (or other fielder) can't block the runner's path to the plate without possession of the ball.

Giving up a bomb like that was seriously embarrassing for the pitcher. Check it out—even the infield dirt blushed.

^This scum-sucking spambot is an approved commenter, and yet I type futilely away in grayed-out obscurity. #SMH

Such individuals comprise a similar percentage of the male population of Simi Valley.

Seems like there's some key info missing, even in the original article. Was he doing a "Jackass"-style dare jump? It says he came to the surface and then sank, which makes me wonder if he was committing suicide by jumping in with stones in his pockets or something. Either way, I guess I wouldn't fish off