
I don't judge you because I am also a regular viewer and absolutely agree with you! Pay no attention to everyone else. I find it needlessly entertaining but my critically trained eye can't help breaking it down. She's definitely got that in love with love problem. Their marriage never stood a chance...

'97 that That was one of Angie's best years, she's just trying to relive her fashion past. Also.. Versace...

I'm a a fan of the mozzarella/cheddar/Parmesan mix but I like a bit of crunch (parm) and grease (cheddar).

Why am I still greeyyyyyy. Seriously.. 6 freakin years of commenting and still so greyyyyyy. aaaaugh. LUCAS NEFF WHYYYYY?

But brown is always chewy and tastes like nuts. blergh.

So like New yorkers to take all the available Nutella for themselves.

Is it bad that my first thought was WHERE IS HIS ROOF SCAFFOLDING??? SAFETY PEOPLE!!!!

well here's to hoping the southern hemisphere Summer fares a lil better. I'm hoping but not expecting.

while it wasn't his virginity, the same thing happened to my boyfriend and he is the first to admit it still affects him.. People need to understand rape is rape no matter which gender. :-(

I did keep my fat-jeans! Turns out my fat-jeans are also the same as my thin-jeans. :-(

Us weekly is obviously trying to defend it's gross prediliction with her womb by clarifying how long she's been with Justin Theroux. like "Oh well she's been with him since 2012 and she's still not married so obvi we have to question that." And then further framing it with, "well she married htis famous man and

Never mind Arie. You can always end up on the next season of Bachelor in Paradise!!
the dramaaaaaa is killing me!!

No no no no no Timbits kick any other donut holes' ass any time, any day!

I finds this so freaking weird. The last thing i see when I look at this gorgeous child is her hair, it's texture or anything. Most of the time if I do think of it, I just think it's adorbs. Please cross this whitey off the shade list cos I have no fucking idea what this d-grade chris brown dating celebutante is on

Gonna assume from the guests there is an equally fluffy vegan option.

but but I have not seen these on my TeeVee! I demands to see it on my TEEVEEEE.

Omg Juliet. Ya still famous. That's my friend's kid. Lol

To be that absolute literal design person, I feel like champagne glasses that's molded into a breast like shape should be a bit more tear drop shaped. anybody else? no? just me? carry on then.

I enjoyed it even with it's obvious problems, but then I didn't expect too much. It'll probably be cancelled soon so I'm not sure whether to continue. oh well, it was kinda fun