
It is my belief that T Boone Pickens used wind power which (as a billionaire who understands math) he knew to be unprofitable. As a cover for buying huge tracts of land with water rights to obtain a monopoly on water rights in areas of Texas where population explosions, and drought conditions, are going to make his

If he didn't say number five alive, it wasnt worth it.

First, when you say "atheist who believes in a multiverse". You seem to refer to belief in a religious sense as in "knows for sure he is right" you also seem to use the term atheist in the same way "knows for sure there is no god". All atheist I have ever interacted with simply say they do not believe in god because

Black queen has pawn in front of her looks like she has big dick!

I know it is a joke disparaging the law, but the reason the law exists is to stop private lotteries. In a technical sense there is no difference between the contest requiring the purchase of a mac, and simply selling scratch tickets.

Yes and this bill would create an actionable law for a violation of first amendment rights under a very specific set of circumstances which I am all for. So the legal action against the violating officer would not be taken under the first amendment but under the law which makes them liable for infringing a person

So much fail. You say: (Atheist say) "well who made God?" Later: (String theory) Only moves it back one step". You just said about string theory exactly what you dismissed an Atheist saying about God. The point is simple, if we haven't figured the whole thing out yet, we can say "we have a bunch of pieces of a very

So you are saying, can't look to precedent (other places don't count). Throw out a bunch of questionable assertions, and make predictions about the consequences of legalization based purely on assuming things, but looking to actual case studies of what happens in the real world when weed is legalized is not

Based on how false the headline is when compared with the actual information in the article. The headline writer is missing that all important IQ gene.

It sure seems good and making penis pictures.

On that last kill Osama one I kept waiting for the insane and insensitive part. It never came.

@sugio I hope you lose your star. The first quote was fine, then you tried to imply that minors can give consent with the rest of your comment, and excused exploitation. The fact is that consent must be informed, and children do not have enough information to give informed consent! BTW Mr Clarke was an amazing

I saw that photo and said, they look like the ones I laughed at in Timisoara, and then read the article they are one and the same. Timisoara, good memories.

@Butter619 You said: "As for Obama, no he hasn't been able to complete everything he promised, but he has completed some of the major things he set out to do and he is at least walking in the direction he promised." I voted for the guy but I don't remember his promise to increase surveillance of the American populace.

@gitemstevedave There are none so blind as those who will not see. If the officers really felt threatened in anyway "surrounded" and in any danger. Do you think they would walk up o people sitting on the ground with arms locked together and start casually spraying them in the face? Just use your brain, if you felt the

@graymullin you said: "Half the occupy people have no idea what they're protesting other than "Rich people should give us their money! The cops suck! Down with Wall street!". Have you been to a protest and talked to any of them? Where do you get your data from?

No the price fixing is that they could not sell cheaper anywhere else.

Especially when he then mounts you!

@ phelanmt The military purchasing decision makers almost invariably retire and get a very high paid job at a defense contractor who they happened to steer business to in their military job. Don't be so naive.

Ahmedinejad is obviously evil horrible etc. But this propaganda is about getting US/Israel in a pre-emptive strike, which would make us the aggressors and get ordinary Iranians who are massively pro US/West to close ranks against foreign aggression and support the evil asshole who they currently despise.