
"Or perhaps Colbert's demographic is such that we can't quite dovetail
into the strategies that work for the rest of the late night shows"

"But honestly, if he's so concerned about appearing sexist that he
doesn't want to even mention it, there's also no real pressing need for a
long video talking about how this movie is a vastly inferior idea to
doing Ghostbusters III"

I don't care about Ghostbusters too much but I do care about performative internet leftism, so I've been following this. And to be perfectly frank I think riling up some kind of gender war is a marketing technique.

I think this becomes equivalent to some kind of social signaling frenzy: now that PATTON OSWALT and SAMANTHA BEE and [culturally left celebrities] have jumped on Rolfe, the proper opinion is to understand that this is really sexism underneath the core. What he actually said becomes irrelevant.

So…you have a detailed piece about nerdy fan over-obsession as a problem, and explicitly link that to the GB backlash, but Rolfe is still definitely a sexist? Including that in your piece is kind of bizarre given…the actual piece.

I think it's being fueled by thinkpieces about how everyone who dislikes the film is a sexist. It's self-reinforcing and good marketing.

This writer is so mad, lol.

"the entire charade is just a very complicated and extended advertising strategy'

Cultural criticism is about outgroups, now.

All of that is true, I'm just offering a counter-suggestion in the comments.

I don't think you actually have any counterpoints.

"And, if you are a person who happens to be White, and you’re compelled to write about Lemonade today or some time this week, here’s a few tips on how you should go about doing it.

I think that if people have an opinion on a piece of art, they should be able to comment on it, regardless of their gender/race/income/etc.

Cultural criticism is people tripping over themselves to assume race and gender define all aspects of an individual. It's so boring.

You're stepping all over everyone's* signaling.


I believe the line was "I wish we weren't penguins and our show wasn't cancelled".

I remember every Sunday in high school was Adult Swim Comedy night. Home Movies (my choice for the most underrated show of all time), Space Ghost and ATHF styled absurdity. That ATHF almost feels quaint now is a testament to how subtly influential this block was, as this article argues.