
Do you believe that racism is predicated upon Victorian notions of race though?

Original wasn’t a good word choice. But more creative than Whitney? Whitney sang generic pop songs and ballads that wouldn’t have been anything were it not for her amazing voice. Whereas Madonna was always trying to change things up. Which isn’t to say Madonna isn’t kind of a dick. She is.

The Dodge Challenger/300C/Charger sell like gangbusters here in Canada, yet we WERE NOT offered the SS... even though we do get the plane jane Impala.

I do deserve one, which is why I bought one back in 2016.


Nope. Not every evil behavior is a “mental health issue”.

I really like the cars and coffee edition

You sound like a fucking Nazi you racist prick.

You should go tell some children of biracial couples this. I’m sure they’ll appreciate the sentiment.

LOL. Tell me how it goes when you and your buddies try to take down the US Government with some rifles. If you’re still alive, that is.

Gun ownership had a big part in the founding of our country...almost as much as the British not wanting to spend the resources it would have taken to beat us. It does nothing now.

I view the second amendment in a strange middle ground, it may be interpreted as a widespread right to own and possess firearms, but I’d be much happier if it were seen more as a privilege (it’s a pipe dream, I know). I can’t count the number of times I’ve encountered someone who invariably considers themselves a

Good call. The government wants to make us register our cars. We all know that’s just the first step to confiscating them.

I own a bunch of guns, and shoot sporting clays regularly. The NRA is fucked though.

I own 3 handguns and a longarm; and I disagree with the majority of what the NRA spews out. I don’t want the NRA representing me.

Fun fact: each of these shitty row house in Bed-Stuy is worth more than your typical red state township.

She was 2 weeks shy of 19 when that movie came out. Math is hard.

I take my 1200hp race car to mundane tasks or to work on Fridays sometimes. It’s so fun and my heart races just driving the thing. It’s funny going to the store and having a cage in the car with a 5-point harness. Being the most powerful thing on the road is also pretty enjoyable; with a blip of the throttle traffic

“Admittedly, this is very good for an Aston Martin. Most Aston Martin owners only drive 2,000 to 4,000 miles in an entire year, and spend the rest of the time dining at restaurants with names like Thirty-Seven.”

When I was 20 I worked at a five-star restaurant called e18hteen, in Ottawa, to support my lavish University

Montreal-Mirabel International Airport was the largest airport ever envisioned, with a planned surface area of 397 square kilometers. That's larger than Montreal, the city that it served.