
Perhaps its that black people and white people and all sorts, still subscribe to the notion that there is a “The Ghetto” rather than just various low-income areas in urban areas. Perhaps we need to permanently extinguish this word from the vocab and then people will stop saying dumb things about it and making asinine

Its everyone’s fault. Its also worth noting that all of the people listed on Elusive Cupcake’s repost, grew up middle-class, from Lupe to Dave to a LOT of rappers.

Also - racing isn’t a criminal offense, it still falls under the traffic code soooo yah, apples =/= oranges LOL

You called me a dipshit - thats an ad hominem dweebus LOL

Mate - I’ve done car and bike trackdays for years lol.

nope. Just trolling you

Why California? Its beautiful with mountains, ancient forests and the ocean, not to mention great driving roads, Hollywood, etc.

You’re a reallllly borring person. You’ve never raced anyone anywhere? Goddd your life must suck

your opinion is stupid

fuck off with your ad hominems - don’t you think I know that racing is different from exceeding the limit? My point is that its STILL pot-kettle-black

Yeah I stole it from someone who posted that line here a week ago and got lambasted for it. I’ve never used it before actually but thought I’d try it out :)

drag racing in an open area isn’t particularly dangerous - do you ever speed? Okay then sit down

no you fuck yourself - I bet youre fun at parties

video not available unfortunately

I scanned a few - they’re boring but I don’t get how he thinks rules are for others not him?

If one actually cared about one’s brain, ass, legs, they would buy a car - whats your point? For short rides in very hot weather, i’ve done the t-shirt thing before, and for the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, I’m not wearing any armour either and one just rides accordingly. For longer trips of course I wear proper

No need for a response. Perhaps you could put your car in park and start videoing in case something happens (if you don’t have a dashcam).

Deathtraps in the hands of some noobs, or in the hands of the wrong rider, but motorcycles are rational machines and respond to deft smooth inputs. That goes for a 250hp MotoGP bike as it does a Honda Grom

I’m still shocked though because here in Canada, when I drove a model S a few months ago that had autopilot, it frankly wasn’t that great and I could figure that within 10 secs of turning it on. I was on a deserted road with no other cars, turned it on, and the car failed to navigate a fairly gentle curve and just

I’m 100% against police brutality when it comes to someone fleeing on foot etc., all for BLM, heck, ALM but the police should be allowed to harm these assholes by stopping them w/ spike strips etc