
It can be painted black or body colored depending on preference of the owner. We chose to paint it silver; to each his own I guess! :)

Exactly - it’s basically a time attack car but is built on an original aston chassis and uses a highly modified uprated engine and gearbox, NACA ducts, a host of electronics, etc. What can I say, I’ve got the bug!

Actually, it’s from the Aston Martin intermarque challenge - closer to 600bhp and completely made of glassfibre. I didn’t mention the track weapon that I now race which is a 73 aston with a jerico and a caged and stripped interior... :)

Does anyone with technical knowledge of the rules of the WEC or related championships want to weigh in on what appears to be legal or illegal about the car? I would be SO excited if they designed the general concept (location of windshield, length and height of front spoiler, etc) to comply with current regs. That

Now playing

I'm more confused by the end rolling "star wars" credits on this video - is it meant to be irony or jocular? Or is it just mean?

That was my very first thought - public highway, road registered. driven what seems like weekly at least - how does it pass smog? The days of changing your jets or knowing a guy who knows a guy are over when you get this extreme, aren't they? At least that's what I've experienced from the high end to the low...

Or at least do you hear a lot of jokes about Ferrari AM drivers in the paddock?

Pop up headlights :)

Do you get the feeling that sometimes a gt-am Ferrari is somewhere near ruining a good storyline at any moment?

didn't go unnoticed on this end... Surely he could have picked another "tweeter". :face palm:

This sounds like some vaguely confused tea party comments on the actual course the bailout took. I understand he has a large parts department, that mainly caters to Mopar parts... I hope he has deep enough pockets to sponsor himself, because I don't imagine he'll get much help from any of the big guys any time soon.

I have to say that I would sympathize more if he had said something when he KNEW his photo was being used for mockups. Waiting until after the vinyl has been printed and the whole things has been unveiled to make a stink sounds like he's just trying to squeeze as much press and money out of the situation as he can.

Reply of the day

Does anyone have a good line on an importer for a 26 year old car from the UK to the US, also under 500 made, but don't want to use show and display? If so please reply!