
But that, was a joke...

Somewhere at Honda HQ a designer was bored out of their skull, idly playing with an image of a Civic, changing aspect ratios, stretching it, shrinking it, just generally pissing around. All of a sudden, a senior manager walked up behind him, and asked “what’s that your working on, that looks sharp”. The other

I dunno, I think falcon doors are dangerous, just look what happened to Harrison Ford with the Falcons door!

I get the feeling they are going to be getting some orders today! Thanks

Thanks for the info! I will work to come up with an eloquent, random, ironic comment, and post it 5min before COTD!

Could well be, but I swear you gotta join the 35 person circle jerk described in the Reddit article to get COTD. I can find neither rhyme nor reason to how they pick the winners, I guess we just have to keep lobbing shit in the hopes our number comes up one day.

The bridge needs to go back to its original design loading. In my proposal people are no longer allowed to walk/cycle across, too much conflict. From here on out, its an elephant or nothing, a pachyderm will depart every 2 minutes from either end, and anyone who wants across can catch a ride. Tourists would love it,

Well, I assumed as much given the state broadcaster produced it, my point was JYW does not truly reflect the nature of building things from a junkyard. I have access to a pretty good one, and it is a lot harder to get a project to work when it is made from actual junk as opposed to functional items made to look like

So how do you join the circle jerk? Is that what's needed to get a COTD?

What with planted parts everywhere? Hey look under that rock theres the exact transmission you need! Ooh and over there is all the steel you will need for a trebuchet! Great show, but real life is not like TV.

What planted parts all over the place? I don’t know much about ‘Stralia, but I strongly suspect there aren’t all the bits you need to get a car going just hiding under rocks. That said, that was an awesome show that got me into making and fixing things, I wish it was still on.

Pirates? Pirates. Pirates? Pirates! Pirates, arr you kidding me?

Now that would be something, the glimmer of white enamel in the sun, the whirring of the compressor motors, the faint whiff of Freon on the breeze. Badges gleam and chromed racks reflect the childlike glee of the attendant enthusiasts as the assembled specimens turn an ordinary public space into a temple to the food

Kind of looks like that dude from Ghana’s helicopter prototype. There is an almost childlike innocence to these contraptions, the belief that if you make it the right shape, all the other things will fall into place. I used to build things like that, until evidence suggested that my carefully constructed speedometer

Cool! I wonder what ever happened to the fridges!

Tesla Autopilot: One way or another you will wind up at the hospital.

Billy Joel denies any involvement, in fact he tried to fight it.

This might work well for a modern car with a gas engine, but for guys like me that drive geriatric diesels this is going to be a disaster. I pick my driving food based on minimum surface area to hand contact, I love the smell of diesel and oil, however taste not so much, and the only time I ever stop to eat while

This looks like the alternative ending to Top Gun. Maverick got kicked out of the program for his antics, and as predicted by his instructor, wound up flying cargo planes full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong for the next 30 years. Finally after a career of "I could'a been" lectures to his co-pilots he attempts one

Missed this by seconds this morning. Sometimes the internet lobs a big easy pitch at you but some other bastard gets inb4!