
Thanks for the laugh. This article is as ridiculous as it gets 😂😂

If there is ever a live action movie about Pokemon there will be two versions of it. :p

Like anyplace it depends on where you live/how you live. If you want to live in metro Tokyo you’re going to be looking at about $2K USD for a nice 1 LDK (1 bedroom) apartment in Ebisu Tokyo (this is basically walking to work distance though). As soon as you go outside Tokyo metro you’re looking at around $1,600 USD…

Oh look, let someone else who cares about how shiny shit looks. More so how shiny shit looks in a series of gifs on a alpha product that isn’t even due out for six more months. Nintendo has always been a gameplay FIRST graphics 3rd developer.

I’ve lived in LA and it’s a bit more fast than even that. It’s like a big city on crack. Some folks are into that and live down there in it, but it’s just not for me. I commute 20-30 min into work, then go home right after. Around where I live you can actually bike around without hitting people and get all your chores…

It takes a toll on people because they are unable to integrate into another society. The opposite can be true as well, if you’re a Japanese living in America, you experience integration stress too. So what’s the lesson learnt at the end of the day? If one cannot adapt, do not move overseas! Do not go around blaming…

No inklings, no deal. Not fresh enough.

unlike most assholes you deal with i can have a different opinion without telling you your opinion is wrong. im og nintendo man. i grew up on f -zero and super mario world. i could actually beat the original ducktales.

judging by my replies some jimmies got rustled.

lol not happenin’ chief

Sorry, I have to.

So people were more excited to see Fox vs. Fox matches ad nauseum than a more diverse finals consisting of Olimar, Rosalina, Sonic, and Diddy? Mind boggling.

This sort of disrespect and narrow-mindedness makes me sick. How can fans be so utterly obsessed with one version of a game that they revile the others, especially when the guy who makes the games is working himself to death on each sequel?

Fanboys are ugly, but they're just part of a bigger problem in today's society.…

It's obvious, she's searching for clothes.