
Welcome for reading.

Oh cool. Wow, so indeed rural Japan sounds very different. It’s weird to hear that even in Japan public transport sucks...too bad. Mexican food ftw, I am mexican lol.

What’s people’s problem with motion control swords? or motion control in general? Weren’t you turning your controlled like a steering wheel with Mario Kart or dreaming with motion controls for fighting some years ago? The best about Skyward Sword was the motion controls...Thanks to whining gamers who cannot even move


“Oh, but Mac still a better computer that Windows” ¬______¬

I just dont think the little white guys are the right character. They could make a different and more appealing character that represents Rythm Heaven

This is going to be the start of a mountain of problems for Nintendo...

This is going to be the start of a mountain of problems for Nintendo...

They are really crying?!?!?! ... wtf?

Now I get why Nintendo is trying hard to put some representation of Rhythm Heaven in Smash Bros.

hmm sorry, I just don’t get the charm of Fallout. I know Bethesta is a great developer...but I don’t get Fallout.

This game looks interesting. But can someone tell me what is the characteristic gameplay of Shinmue? in a nutshell :P

I like this game

Don’t you think that you are pointing motherhood in a negative way?

Once again, people show that when given the opportunity to be creative...they show how uncreative they are...

Really? Wow, and I though living in North America would be cheaper than in any place of Japan. I like what you said about living around a place where u can acutally...LIVE XD Ride a bike and lol own a car.
Thanks :) It doesn’t seem such a bad place like this other guy think it is.

wow. thank u so much :) I notice u took time in your reply. So, everything in Tokyo is fast. Well, I guess like in any city :P Thanks again! :D

THANK YOU! I was really wondering how other places in Japan could be. I have never been in Japan, but I’ve traveled to other towns from my country, and the people are way different from one place to another, even when we share the same national anthem. Also, people from urban zones WILL always have the same attitude.

but what about other places in Japan other than Tokyo (or other big japanese cities)? What about the countryside or towns? Every country has different people according to the place they live. Japan can’t be that bad, there must be a place where people live just fine.

I know I am not the first one to say this but...why don’t you move to another place if you don’t like Japan?