Kiss Your Dad Square on the Lips

Adande had a good take. He figures that ratings might be higher for the sake of FOMO. People don’t want to miss something like Manu’s nutmeg last night.

The regular season was actually incredible. Watching Russ hunt the triple doubles, Harden went bananas in his own right all the time. Klay had 60 in 3 quarters. I believe this season also had the most players to score 50 in a game. Booker going nuts in Boston in a totally meaningless game. There was a lot to remember

For a beach car you need something that can get rusted out to all hell, sand everywhere and not care about cleaning it, and be able to drive along the sand no matter what. Of course this means there is only one car for the job.

This is a smart, well thought out, well written take.


Get a VPN!

More Sabine, less Eddie. That’s really what was most annoying. I hate Eddie so much. Can someone from England explain him to me?

This was so epic to watch. SG’s run has been incredible and they totally proved themselves this weekend. I’m looking forward to how they play at all of the rest of the majors this year. It’s really hard not to root for those guys.

This is a good idea to a point. It would only work in certain areas obviously, no high load corridors, bad weather spots. Would be limited to sunny southern states.

What would they do with the power generated though? During peak travel times one could reasonably think that you will get power spikes at those times, but not during lower traffic times. So would they store the power in massive batteries of some kind? I’m sure much smarter people than any of us on here have thought of

My wife and I are from small rural towns in western Canada, with fairly religious families, and her mom is always on each of her kids (2 daughters, 1 son) about having kids. The thing is none of us want to have any, and it’s very frustrating. My parents don’t say a damn thing about it because they know it’s not their

Can confirm this game is awesome. Just started playing it today, and it’s a lot of fun. Some of it is difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it its great. If you like EDM/dubstep then I would say get it. If you don’t then maybe just watch videos of it being played.

The infrastructure in Europe is also vastly different to that in NA. Our roads here are just wider to start with. We don’t have many small roads in downtowns. The average SUV can still drive around downtown NY, Chicago, etc.

It’s like a game that was made just for Monster Factory

If your state allows lanesplitting, just cut your number of wheels by 2. Get a cheap reliable bike, take the rest of the money and spend it on a fun car for the weekends.

I kind of want this just for the figures. I wish they would sell them separately.

I got a SFV650 last summer, and it’s amazing. Honestly I plan on keeping the bike for years. It’s just comfortable to be on, a perfectly reasonable amount of power, and it looks amazing. Perfect bike for almost everything on road.

They have way more colours available in EU models than NA models. It’s so frustrating. Black, red, white. That’s all you get over here for a GTI.

There are more people that drive big trucks for no reason other than to show off how big of a loan they got from the bank.

Uhhhh... That’s Corey Joseph.