Otm Shank !

Was going to post: Cowvette

He was suspended from his job indefinitely.

This reminds me of one of my favorite Grantland recurring video series, where someone animated Jalen Rose’s (probably fake) stories. The difference of course is that series appeared to be a labor of love for all involved (including the artist) and this appears to be exploitative, shitty, soul-less, derivative attempt

He won't say a word.

Penn Stationary

I mean is it actually a surprise that a literal hereditary monarch would enable the Tories, the party of hereditary wealth and elite conservatism?

She literally has to say yes because she is a figurehead. 

A no deal Brexit will help distract from the fact that her son is a child rapist.

Schefter’s Seltzer. So good you can’t say it three times.

“There’s a bad history of being analogized to insects that goes back to a lot of totalitarian regimes in the past,” Stephens said on MSNBC Tuesday.

He is awfully sensitive for someone whose entire career consists of being a giant meany.

And, BTW, I don’t get the whole things where you can defend her from legtimate attacks, and then also pretend like this doesn’t speak to her character. Like, if this what they did, this is a really shitty thing for each to have done to their children. Like, really shitty.  You want to be fucking other people and

let those amongst us who *haven’t* had unprotected sex with porn stars while their third wife was having their child cast the first stone

In [gag] defense [retch] of [convulse] Phillies fans [projectile vomit]:

Oh, if only they would just own their actions, take responsibility for their lives, and stop having a victim mentality

“Like bedbugs on your wedding day

And sometimes, if you’re really lucky, in that sewer you get to see a single bedbug rise up...and then deactivate his account.

The stupid thing is that Twitter wasn’t his undoing, it was the email he sent.

So to recap, Mr. “Our Society is Collapsing Because Free Speech on College Campuses is Being Threatened by Snowflakes!” is trying to get a media professor fired for a bit of criticism delivered as a harmless, pithy joke.