
"There’s a tendency in long-running sitcoms to generate emotional beats by filing the edges off every relationship—call it the “We’re all really a family!” school of long-form TV writing" That's a pretty brilliant observation. Kudos!

Not even close to a million. They have 3 thousand twitter followers. Most of the "satan" accounts have at least 30k. Hate to break it to them but the devil wins (hurray!)

I'm not surprised. The show is terrible and CW cutting their losses is the right move. Lucifer was a bad miscast and none of the group I watch it with thought he was credible. There was a tiny bit of interesting meta with the meteorite but it was not enough to keep people interested beyond 3 episodes. The pacing is

The Fri night death slot and mid-season start is not a good sign. I'm going to give it a chance, but it is concerning the network has buried it like this.

I was so scared they were somehow going to end up killing Raven, it was a real relief that it was Finn. That ending was such a huge shock, I'm still processing it. Great recap, thanks !

I am well past my tween years, and The 100 is my favorite show. This includes GOT, TWD,SPN, OB, and even Silicon Valley. I'm a total geek and this show checks off every one of my love buttons.

I hate crossing my fingers for new shows to get cancelled, but when it comes to The 100, burn them all to the ground if that is what it takes- "Go All Finn" on those suckers.

On Reddit we have adopted "What Would Clarke Do" as the official show motto. Thanks for giving the episode such a nice grade this time. If any show on television deserves another season, this is the one.

Someone on the reddit live thread called it early that the baby was a delusion. It was a good show once again. Better news- is that the ratings were up from last week in spite of the last game of the world series being on.

Oh man, that would be so fun!

Thanks for the reply. I had purposely low expectations for the S2 premiere and was blown away by how awesome it was. I probably expected some expository so this was not an issue for me. From what I hear this train of awesome will keep going. People that have screened the first three are really impressed. Regardless of

Not sure why this was given a B? I thought it was amazing and way, way better than I expected the season 2 premiere to be.

I cant find the reviews for season 10 from these guys. Are they not doing SPN this year?

I agree with a lot of what the writer said but not a fan of the part about Jared not being equal to Ackles in the acting dept. Most of the year Jared has had little to do or say as Sam and that can be laid squarely on the writers laps. They turned him into an incompetent hunter often unable to speak in full sentences.

Almost two hours for HBOgo to get TGOT working, later that night I loaded up Netflix in my never ending quest to finish SG1- only to get nowhere with it. It was a bad night for streaming on my end.