
I googled cheese rolling and read about the cheese rolling festival and I still don’t understand what I’m seeing here. Is the slope deceptively steep as they chase the cheese/foam thingie, or are they all drunk and intentionally going head over teakettle, or both?

Sometimes the pile of intervention saves lives, and sometimes it causes terrible harm.

Ohhh, Mike Tyson Mysteries.

Hospital births are not ideal either, for the opposite reason— cascading, often unnecessary interventions. Childbirth is never perfectly safe no matter where you are. Most home births go okay, as do most hospital births.

Holy shit I’m lmao. What a fantastic birth story! You are just... wow. Badass. Also your toddler is hilarious.

Oooof. Thank you for posting this. These should be everywhere.

Uhhh, reminder, the people voted against Trump. He lost the popular vote by 3 million.

WOW. That gif. Just wow.

To protect property rights. The 1% needs to have their stuff safe!

Oh, I agree 100%. I didn’t intend to sound approving, I think it’s some bullshit and that SCOTUS decision was absolutely appalling. The case that decided it was awful too in its circumstances. Cops in this country are out of control, and the “good” ones protect the bad ones so really, how good are the good ones? Imo

As per the Supreme Court, the police do not have an obligation to protect citizens.

I love, love how the door opens for this little gull.

You should say their name. Name and shame. Cause that is gd appalling.

YES. I loved that song so much and am super pleased to see an article devoted to the joy and sweetness that is Meerah.

*squints* Are you trying to embody the stereotype here for lulzy illustrative purposes?

What an asshole. This is the kind of stunt that makes me hate everyone.

Was it Gus Fring?

Huh, you don’t sound like a fervent supporter of breastfeeding. 

Same. I know I feel the difference in my body when I eat foods that cause inflammation versus foods that minimize it, and the feelings are day and night and I really prefer the latter. So yeah, I would really go for the ground-up cricket corpses if they were powdered and in pill form. I think there would be a market

Counterpoint: A thousand yeses!