
I am so proud of everyone for leaving the pile of shitty grayed dicks to languish in said grays so the rest of us can have an actual thoughtful discussion! Well done team.

Nurses at the hospital where my kids were born cautioned us to not clip their tiny nails until some later date, and they advised me biting my girls’ nails if I was comfortable with that. I was like, wow, weird, okay, thanks!

I’ve wondered this about Donnie Darko.

Plus Shuri calling him ‘colonizer.’ ahahaha.

Well yeah, you’re reading another person’s sexual fantasies, but when the work is well written, and the reader and the writer have the same or very similar ideas about what’s hot, it’s A+ simpatico delight.

Idk, I just googled pics of him and he doesn’t look bad at all imo. Not many people clear their mid-50's with their girlish good looks intact.

This is a thing of silly beauty and my life has been enriched watching it. Thank you.

Yeah, application fees are a thing. Some applicants qualify for a certain number of need-based fee waivers, but most have to pony up.

I don’t know if this has changed with the universal application, or common application, or whatever they call it now, but applying to colleges used to be a giant pain in the ass. Some kids (hi there) apply to as few as possible because laziness, and no one ever questions them. If this exceptional kid had the

That’s terrifying. I’d be skittish going outside my house for weeks or months after something like that happening. I’m so sorry.

Awww the headline immediately made me think of Lindy, wonderful Lindy! Is it weird that I want to read how long Lindy would last, and how she would falter in this situation? I know she’s not here any more but I mean, she calls herself loud in her book title for goodness’ sake. I miss reading her more regularly.

Me neither but I kinda want to star it?

This comment made me feel warm and fuzzy as few political thoughts do these days. I mean, I know this stuff already but just to see it tidily and confidently written up like that is lovely. Yay!

Yes! I didn’t want to feel like a philistine being like CHEESE, but yes. Cheese. I’m happy with a nice blend of cheddar and monterey jack or cheap nacho cheese sauce, I’m not picky.

Yeah maybe but an awful lot of people could benefit from that class these days.

I’ve been pondering this question on and off for at least two hours (ETA: apparently not quite that long) and... I doubt it? If only because Weasel was a pretty auxiliary character in the first movie. And because film boycotts never seem to get very far? But who knows.

A+ use of Dawson. I see your Dawson and raise you a sad Kimber.

Also the lulziest malware. I mean there’s nothing funny about malware, but this comes close.

I feel you because he’s Weasel and I adore Weas. When he was cast in Deadpool I didn’t think Miller looked at all right for the part, I wanted Jay Baruchel to get it because ayyy favorite characters, but Miller was great, dorky and cute and I came to feel very affectionately towards him. And ever since, it seems like