
Can I just say, god those women are awesome. The people sitting around them, not so much. But good on the speakers and on the people recording. This kind of thing gives me (desperately needed) hope.

I shouldn’t be surprised, but am, that there are multiple pictures of children eating giant spiders in this comment section. I can’t really call whether they’re real or ‘shopped because frankly, I don’t want to examine them long enough to tell.

These are straight up hilarious. Damn. Terrible humor fail on Jez’ part, on the other hand, there’s the whole Poe’s Law thing, so idk. But these are great, and you get a free taco and my love.

(Break it’s legs!)

They’d whine, but they wouldn’t move. These are multi-millionaires who pay millions to keep empty apartments on hand 11 months of the year.

Can I put in a plug for banking with Aspiration? It’s a progressive bank in the model of Credo Mobile (the progressive cell phone company), and they offer free checking where you are invited to pay either what you feel is fair or nothing at all. 10% of the bank’s earnings to go charity, they will reimburse you any

Your comment seemed normal enough until the part where you believe Bernie Sanders is the kind of dude who would key your car. What the what? Is that you, Ken M?

I feel like—whatever works. Whatever we need to do really.

Good comment.

Just a heads-up, I need to tell you that you’re amazing for fighting this fight in the internet trenches with these idiots/assholes/trolls. Rock on. <3

Beautifully put. Thank you.

Zomg after reading this comment thread, I am very vicariously excited for you, internet stranger/letter writer. Go have all the sexy fun! <3

Lawl, go get that ass. Your life sounds fun as hell and this put a smile on my face. High five.

I thought it was “Dump that motherfucker already.” Well.... variety is the spice of life?

Oh, ouch. I’m sorry. :(

Thank you for pushing back against some of the judgement in this thread. The sentiment that any worker and every worker can ‘bootstraps’ themselves to a good job (if only they have the drive, humbleness, and tenacity these successful posters did) is not one I expected to see put forth so strongly in the comments

Thank you for this. Well said.

I looked into it later and this was lol decidedly not SplinterNews’ first post. So yeah, the lack of comments strikes me as really strange. Idk. It’s important stuff covered well.

I bought it because I have had that raid leader, just, the glorious king of dorks showing off his nerdery and treating each fight as the most serious of business.

Yes. Their boring minutes of pre-fight talking rang totally true to me.