
THANK YOU. Well said. You can hold my cup anytime.

The Giver, oh my god. That book hurt me in my hurting place.

Compulsory sterilization? REALLY? Did you really just... ? Cause no, nope, a big no to that. FUCK no, in fact. Not okay. My blood runneth cold over here when ostensibly smart and sensible people make suggestions like this, even in jest or playing devil’s advocate or satire for pageclicks or whatever you want to call

MTE. I read that and went “Wow, really? I never saw a ‘Do not operate heavy machinery’ label on the bottle. Oh well....”

Sooo well said.

Do eeeet. If you are a Loki person, watch his face and you will get the emotional weight and richness a Thor movie needs. Not that I myself am a Loki stan, certainly not. *cough* But the serious and heavy moments are there, if subdued and sandwiched between otherwise wall to wall silliness.

Umm... the numbers cited aren’t the same?

I agree people are excessively casual about epi-pens and allergies but to say epi-pens shouldn’t exist seems... extreme? I’m no expert but the only study summaries I’ve seen are ones finding that epi-pens save lives.

Okay then here goes:

I’m sorry this stuff happened to you. Any one given thing might seem small on its own but over time the little things are all cumulative. And yeah, it just... wears you down in a way and turns you wary.


How does this article have no comments? This is fucking important, appalling stuff. Was this written and posted on Splinternews’ first day or something?

Wait what? When does the first Thor movie reference a past romance with Sif? I only recall the whole “I supported you in becoming a warrior maiden badass, you’re welcome” thing. Drawing a total blank.

I want to speak up for my people, but... yeeeeah.

Oh man. Related: I used to work at a national retail chain toy store and at closing, when I’d straighten up the plush section where we kept all the stuffed animals, my hands would get shockingly grimy by the time the task was done. My fingers and palms would turn dark with dirt. Part of it I think was the sheer number

Nah, I love my kids but their germiness grosses me right out. Do not love, do not want. They’re really getting in the habit of handwashing and using Purell though. I sanitize the shit out my hands after going inside their schools.

Once they’re properly prepared they’ll look delicious, I promise.

That is truly awesome news. I like it!