Thank you for the retweet there pointing this out. I did not realize that part. Fuck.
Thank you for the retweet there pointing this out. I did not realize that part. Fuck.
You. I like you.
This makes me feel like crying.
All of this. Well said.
I shuddered because that should be hyperbole, but instead it has the horrible ring of reality-now.
I think a lot of people under 35 would be stunned by what us “olds” got away with when we were college kids. Things are really, really a lot more restrictive now.
Wow. I would like to see that half-assed waterfall.
Bleh. That is a shame. I haven’t read AV Club long enough to notice (I never checked it out before it became part of kinja nation). Thank you for answering.
That corgi is living its best life.
AV Club doesn’t like Jezzies? Is that a vibe you get, or no one brings you out of the grays there, or you’ve been openly shat on there for being a Jezebeler, or ?
Really well put.
Huh, okay. I guess I jumped to conclusions because of the ‘go listen to white noise’ thing. It brought to mind all the people in my MMORPG who are all ‘autist’ this and ‘go play with your fidget spinner’ that and the way autism has become the go-to insult.
Holy. Shit. That is utterly terrifying. You seem to be handling it like a boss though
I was on board with your comment until the ‘autistic’ jab. What gives? Whyfore? Why is this the new insult? It sucks.
Bronn would trash your house so bad though.
This, big time.
Yay, Ajax aka Francis from the Deadpool movie! I forgot what his actor’s name was. Now I will remember it.
There might as well be no difference, personally. Finding out just how much Adam Baldwin sucks ruined Jayne for me completely.