
"Cookie" is childhood sexual abuse waiting to happen.

Totally not pervy.

"you're warm"

It's weird that our "direct" words for sex parts are synonyms for domesticated animals. To avoid confusion of course.

Man, this guy really has big dreams. Personally, I've been vetting my own live-in dream girl stereotypes.

This guy's about a couple centuries removed from those guys who used to go to orphanages to pick up "daughters" that they would "take off the street" and put "into a good home".

Hasn't this actually happened? Some old guy a bit back tried to sugar daddy a couple of girls and they tied him up and robbed him when he tried to have sex with them.

Pretty much.

You're still right. People shouldn't use contractions in headlines not only because it's unprofessional, but it has the tendency to read poorly.

Did mandatory abortion become a thing here?

Religious-based political conglomerate decides to ban the extinguishing of life of an undeveloped human being based on the fact that it feels pain despite the fact that said developing creature will have no memory of said pain based on the fact that the point of the procedure is to terminate its existence, yet has no

I gave up on Naruto about a couple months after the anime came out in America back in, what '03? The main character was a dumbshit, the comedy was stupid, the story was mediocre, and the fights were kinda lame. I stopped caring about a few things into the ninja test arc story with the snake guy. I get tired of this

That's usually how the FGC does it too.

in terms of sexual practices, the whole furry thing is a bit further out there than most,

To be fair, that's not exactly a hard thing to do.

Well furries actually have sex on a regular basis. Gamers still lock up and start st-st-stuttering every time a female human being walks by, and then they offset their nervousness by taking a picture of her butt and uploading it to reddit.

The video for Teddyloid's MEMEME tune directed by the guy who did Evangelion.

Now playing

This is a thing and it is perfect and amazing and Teddyloid <3

I guess what I am asking is how do I propose casual sex to someone? And also how do I make sure that this stranger that I am going to be having sex with isn't an axe murderer? What if they are all axe murderers? Is it even remotely safe to have sex with a stranger? Is casual sex overrated? Am I going to regret it?

The PROTECT Act makes all images, real or simulated/created, of a minor in a sexual situation illegal, regardless of the ruling on the CPPA in 2002. The Miller Test codifier is simply there to make it appear that the court isn't censoring artistic content, as I can guarantee that 9.5/10 judges would rule that a