
Except that the PROTECT Act overrides that ruling that was simply to invalidate the CPPA.



I love everything.

That's actually hilarious.

Shh, you're on Jezebel and if you make any anti-porn comments whatsoever the commentariot will call you a prude.

You would think that there is a conflict of interest there, because if there were non-real images of sex with minors that were indistinguishable from the real thing, wouldn't that have some artistic merit?

Animated or drawn images of children in sexual situations are illegal in the US, and explicit text with sexual content regarding minors is illegal in Canada. Even though no one was harmed in the making of these things, they are still considered child pornography and are subject to legal action. The precedent has been

Common sense reads that all men are potential rapists and should be treated as such, yes.

I don't believe that men can be feminists.

Many people have an issue with feminism because they believe that the name is not gender neutral. I have issues with the Men's Rights Movement because 'rights' are not the issue. The problems that men face are social and gender identity problems that aren't caused by any rights that they're being denied. Also, within

How dare you defend yourself from ME! THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH FEMINISM.

As a guy, more or less, who was red pilled, that is to say broken away from the traditional expectations of masculinity in terms of most social settings, later on in life, I still feel pressures that the western world at least tends to put on young adult men. There is this constant need to keep a hidden rage bottled

As a group, MRAs tend not to be that bright. The movement itself is made up of a few ringleaders and then the thousand puppets that don't have brains capable of doing more than parroting back whatever their masters tell them. I've tried to be nice and communicate, but they are on some dumb shit.

Long time no see, and still myopic as ever. All I ever see is that one article posted years ago that had many people protesting it in the comments section, and that is used to reflect on Jez not only then, but even now as if not a damn thing has changed.

It's kinda hard to depict something that's inside someone's body.

I don't agree with this decision, but I disagree even more with the reasons people give for disagreeing with this decision.

I'm not sure how false accusations supposedly get so many men convicted of rape but a man can openly plead guilty to the crime with two victims and get no time. Oh wait, the men convicted of false accusations are lower class while the people who get off scot free are supported by political money? Our justice system

which is, in essence, a bribe not to work that hard, or a bribe not to marry somebody with a full-time job,

For real. You hear so many people advocating for a few privileged women who are able to engage in prostitution of their own free will while simultaneously throwing thousands of women who were forced into prostitution under the bus.