
This article was super fascinating. It makes me wish there was a way to read the original article that they wanted her to change.

I find this to be really frustrating. Of course, Garland isn’t the most progressive pick; in the current political climate, where even this moderate nominee is unlikely to get a fair hearing, a more progressive candidate would especially be DOA. Obama was/is being a savvy politician by offering up a qualified

Well, it sounds like you raised your daughter to stand up for herself. Good job! There’s a serious lack of your parenting skills in the USA right now. Instead, most parents coddle their children for fear of upsetting them.

Damn. So much for women helping women. Hugs!

I had a friend like this. We had this emergency, and my other friends and I are calmly assessing and getting things fixed and figuring out what to do. He’s screaming, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!”

It seems like the young mother in the video could use a seizure alert dog. I hope she can get one without too long a wait.

I am so sorry that happened to you. It must have been devastating to realize later what a violation that was.

Bravo. If you have the wherewithal, send her to matrial arts classes. Women shouldn’t have to be afraid to walk the streets alone but it’s too late for that. Give her the tools to quash fear. And any douchebag who tries to hurt her.

You know what might work? When girls start public school, make martial art mandatory. If they learn how to rip a guys nuts off, blind them or break their nose with their bare hands, douchebag straight boys will think twice about pulling any shit.

I was that girl. I had a guy in Gym who kept reaching up my shirt. I told him to stop but he would push my hands away and grab up and squeeze really hard. I told him if he didn’t stop I was going to talk to the teacher and I put my hand out to stop him from walking forward. He walked into my hand. There is no other

I would have still filed charges, given how long it had been going on for. How on earth did a teacher not notice that a boy in class was molesting your daughter??? I’d be going both the criminal and the civil route. I’d sue the school, I’d sue the teacher, I’d sue the boy’s parents, and I’d demand he be removed and go

I know when I was that age, I couldn’t put words to sexualized actions like that (and, unfortunately, worse), so I was helpless. I knew that something was wrong, but I was so conditioned to think of words for “breasts” and “vagina” as taboo, dirty words, I couldn’t get it out. I speak from experience, from something

Good for you for standing up for yourself. But fuck that teacher. She should have done something.

Related: when I was in 5th grade a boy in my class kept grabbing my boobs (I was an early -developer). I was too embarrassed to tell anyone. Finally, one day I punched him in the stomach and knocked him down. The teacher turned to me and said, “good for you” - and I realized she had known what was going on the entire

You and your daughter are wonderful!

your daughter is my hero and so are you.

Your daughter don’t take no shit and I think that’s awesome.

Your daughter sounds awesome and I’m so sorry she had to live through that type of harassment, especially in freaking MIDDLE SCHOOL!

She knocked out teeth??? I’m grinning at my computer screen so hard right now. That’s not easy to do.

Your daughter sounds rad!