
No fucking shit. Title IX is all educational settings, not just college. Go look at the Supreme Court case Davis v. Monroe County Board of Ed for an example of what’s going on. How, after that case, could K-12 act like Title IX doesn’t apply to them? And yet in 2016, when I go to Title IX trainings, not a single K-12

The “boys will be boys” attitude and protection of athletes/star students plaguing our colleges? It has its root here. Couple that with the stats on the gender disparity between teachers and admin, local pressure, and general lack of resources (physical and monetary) in our school systems and you have an environment

Imagine all the future money and above all pain for victims that could be saved if these kinds of crimes were properly investigated the first time they were committed...

With so much attention payed to sexual assault on college campuses (which is of course important), there’s been so little attention payed to high school. I’m really glad this article exists, but also appalled and saddened that it’s necessary. I wonder if the same in-school rules and protections (or lack thereof) apply

Jesus, seriously. He fucking ruined her life. I can’t fathom how a teenaged girl could ever recover from having this done to her. Fuck him. May he never have another peaceful moment in his pathetic life. Fuck him. Fuck. Him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck

Just look at his response to being sentenced - “Oh no, I’m losing years off my life!” Guy probably has zero empathy for anyone else.

welp this is what happens when we collectively obsess over the sexuality of barely-pubescent girls. Fuck this guy in particular, but fuck the culture that encourages his fucked-uped-ness.

I love the bones of the house, house(s) in Palm Springs in particular, but the decor is heinous. I think it’s because I grew up in this kind of stuff in the 60's and 70's, therefore it holds absolutely no glamour for me, just a reminder of chores that were a bitch to finish. This type of plush and shag carpeting was a

Allow me to leave this here, from : Last week, Trump visited Concord and Fayetteville in rallies that attracted thousands of attendees. During the rally in Fayetteville, a protester was assaulted as he was escorted from Crown Coliseum by police. A Linden man was later charged in the incident, and Cumberland

Women have daughters and mothers and wives as well.

I will never understand the decision to name a child Spurgeon. These people make a shitload of poor choices, but this might take the cake.

It really is. Plus, the smug arrogance alone is both depressing and infuriating.

This is what mixing lack of education with Fox News rage/fear propaganda *looks like*.

This is an excellent review.

“That guy’s 78 and throwing a punch like that, that reminds me of the Buzz Aldrin clip, I mean at his age we must say that that is very, very interesting,” he said. “You don’t see conservatives go into Hillary Clinton rallies and freak out at her like that. It’s a lack of respect that liberals have for freedom of

This is why it doesn’t even matter if we feel like Trump is just trolling everyone. He is making our country worse. Terrible people are no longer ashamed of themselves.

Of course only men belong in parliament.

I wrote some very angry and very murderous things that I don’t want to hit “publish” on. So instead here are some cute animals.

I live with my folks- so I know whenever my Dad is on fb because he reads everyone’s statuses out loud to my Mom. If I posted something, he'll read it to me. He's such a Dad.

Dude. DUDE! This is so emphatically not okay. It would be weird enough to do this with your daughter’s permission, but to go behind her back to pimp her out to the fundie bro of your dreams is mega-gross. Of course, it also sounds like the premise of some dreary Christian “romantic comedy”, but that’s another issue