That’s the problem. Real people who aren’t complicit in this bullshit. Anyway, that’s why I wrote ‘statehouses’ rather than states.
That’s the problem. Real people who aren’t complicit in this bullshit. Anyway, that’s why I wrote ‘statehouses’ rather than states.
No, no, no. More liberals need to move to Texas. It’s purple; turn it blue!
I live in this shit state and agree 100%
Jensen Ackles
Disagree with a lot of these points. When in a caloric deficit (which is 100% absolutely necessary in order to lose weight and body fat) you’re aren’t always going to feel you’re best. The body doesn’t like giving up weight and it will let you know.
Loved that movie and the theme about bad government controlling the media and society.
2016 better stay the FUCK away from Carol Burnett.
A Canadian died playing hockey. This is not a thing to mourn, this is a thing to aspire to.
Really?! Louisiana allows embryos to sue their mother, Ohio just passed laws W the sole purpose of overturning Roe Vs Wade in Trump’s Supreme Court but sure Texas is the worst.
Which is why I’m okay if it ever ended up in HBO, they really do any source material a lot of justice. But on lifetime...I’m looking at Grande with a prosthetic butt (because of course they would try to match J.Lo over Selena).
Tejano died with her. Yes it’s still around, but it wasn’t like before. I wonder how she would have adapted today’s world with social media and such. Such a sad day when she died.
I will vote for anyone in 2020 who can unseat Cheeto Mussolini. I do not care how old. I do not care what color skin. I do not care if they have been in the Senate for eleventy billion years. I do not care if they have been in the Senate for one year.
While I applaud your refusal to ride a float in our tinfoil hat parade, let me add a few foily facts to yours:
fair enough.... he is very tall
Yeah, they really should have gotten Jensen Ackles to do a cameo of some sort, whether it was just buying pie/cheeseburgers in the background of some scene or turning around briefly when someone said “Dean” in a public place.
Supernatural fan here, this is not the Dean we are interested in.
The more she takes on these public roles, the more she opens up herself and her business to criticism. It’s a risky business move, possibly a stupid one.
But what if he/Putin shut down/hack our internet access? THEN what? How will we communicate with each other if the internet goes down? And we need to meet up for a massive protest or to shelter our immigrant friends from a police force? How will we report to each other if the commercial news outlets become more…
I mean. We’ve got to go back to analog, HAM radio, find a guttenberg printing press w/block letters and start screen printing one-page weekly tear sheets so we have a written record of this demise. The internet could be turned off/blocked/corrupted at any second. Putin working with Flynn and Trump and Bannon could…