What’s the over/under that Trump expects “war games” to mean they’re hanging out and playing the new Call of Duty?
What’s the over/under that Trump expects “war games” to mean they’re hanging out and playing the new Call of Duty?
OT: I know I’ve posted this multiple times but please sign everyone!
WHAT THE FUCK? Why Cause he is an educated black man?!?? Afraid to lose the status quo?? Clearly a few trips to the Holocaust Museum in DC is in order for folks to understand why people might be freaking out if they are a minority. White is not a minority. Yet.
“This is modern day Nazi Germany in it’s infancy. We need to stamp it out before it gets too powerful.”
Thank you! There were millions of people who are now- or will be- complaining about how terrible Trump is once he cuts off their benefits, or their health care, or their kids’ schools go to shit- but who stayed the fuck home, or voted for Jill Stein. Fuck them, fuck them again, and again, and again. They deserve…
We can still get the electoral college to save us! My phone won’t paste here—I’m going to share this info when I get to my computer.
Yeah, my mom’s starting to get mad at me for talking back to my aunts on their happy Facebook posts. But this is ridiculous. I’m not going to just let them sit there with their dangerous, bigoted opinions completely unchallenged.
My undocumented brother was crushed by this last night. I’m in a real panic. I’ve been emailing several immigration advocacy groups since trying to get their help to get in touch with my Congressman (Castro). I need his help.
I don’t think millennials realize just how much Bill Clinton was despised by the far right back in the 90's. There were as many conspiracy theories floating around the Clintons as there currently are around Obama- Mena, Arkansas, Whitewater, Webb Hubbell, Vince foster, etc. Just as Obama is accused of being secretly…
YES. One of the best books about it. Also, “Stiff”, by Mary Roach. Very educational and entertaining.
Wait, JOHN AWESOME?? Talk about burying the lede.
She fucking killed that debate and I am drunk and a nasty woman and also i love bad hombres and fuck him and i ate a burrito and several cookies and maybe like a whole bottle of whine or wine or shit or omg i need to go to bed even on the west coast i am a mess omg i hate trump o hope he dies ifn a fire
Not a horror story, but my freshmen year I was roomed with an international student from India...real nice guy. He was also a nerdy, engineering student who spent 99% of his free time studying and came from a strict, wealthy family.
I am currently fucking a guy who sleeps on a waterbed. He’s my partner of three years and we live together and the waterbed is now my bed and this is not the life I imagined for myself.
Adopting isn’t like going to the animal shelter and picking out a puppy. It’s a long, invasive, very expensive commitment. So how ‘bout we cut with the “just adopt!” shit. It’s presumptuous as fuck.
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