
I like to enjoy joking about Tom Nook being the bad guy or some mafioso loan shark as much as the next person. But, to play devil’s advocate. . .

Tom Nook is basically building you a house, all his labor and materials costs need to be recouped and he does so by just trusting you that you will pay him back one day.


Would happily support any content creator who happens to transition while I enjoy their work (Only one has done this so far, but he writes review articles, not a youtube person/twitch streamer). I imagine the quality of fun stuff they do would only go up when the person is actually happy with how they look and feel.

My comment is this, if you watched the commercials for this game and having lived in Hawaii a good part of my life Hau is a perfect rival. Rivals don’t have to be a jerk or what not but someone you compete against to become better. Hau is your friend and rival the same time. He out there getting better so you