
One of my fave RPGs. I can’t play more than a few hours at time though because every time I get going the story turns around and gives me such great moments of depression and feelings that I need to take break. I mean it this story will move you and make you feel.

I also thing the biggest problem is both the count a 100mil in 2 weeks? I am wonder where they got their metrics from to figure out if it was even possible. I mean when I play I average maybe a dozen a day so just by my math that about 168 or so during the 2 weeks if I played everyday with my avg, that means the

Before the relaunch I could barely even run the game. It took me 50 minutes due to lag to get past the opening movie.

Now if they can only help with the delay between what your doing, and what is actually going on in the stream. Chat is pretty much useless for me due to that.

I don’t know how many times during a game that I get slightly off from picking up an item or opening a door and hit x and then jump. Also I understand the guys reacting when you swing your sword by them is cool but sometimes it drives me up the wall when I am changing up a weapon or my dash turns off and end up

I’m a bit happy with Nvida Geforce Experience for setting specs on many of the new triple AAA games it gives a good bench mark for figuring out games they don’t support for what settings to use to games that I have that are similar. Also I notice that control program has access to a lot more setting then many games

I totally agree for all the FF games in years this has been the worst so far for females. The main group, eh okay it makes since it prince and retinue, normally in history it would be mostly males and love the fact Ignis is a cook, but honestly yes the could replaced any of the 3 main guys with girls and been okay.

I have the anime Brotherhood, it actually establishes the background of the four main characters and why they are the group they are. Also I am treating the game and story, to help not knowing the characters that well at the start.. I didn’t get Brotherhood till I got my copy of Kingsglave in the mail and not before

My comment is this, if you watched the commercials for this game and having lived in Hawaii a good part of my life Hau is a perfect rival. Rivals don’t have to be a jerk or what not but someone you compete against to become better. Hau is your friend and rival the same time. He out there getting better so you

I think the other thing your missing here is exclusivity. This is much more common in software market than really in the hardware, but does show up in things like up-grade-ability( ex. Adding a SD card to your phone for more space) or even changing out your battery. Many of these companies limited what you can do with