
1) I don’t understand where rideshare companies are burning through cash. Their product does not seem to have high reoccurring costs and the start-up cost does not seem prohibitive nor has a protected moat against competition. The cost seems to be paying back early investors and fast global expansion.

I bought a used Tesla Model S 85 from Tempe, Az about 2 months ago. While I was on my 6 hour drive home, I wondered who the previous owner was and why they parted with the vehicle. I figured that car was about $100K when it was new and had 60K miles on it; so it cost them about $1 per mile in

The last time I bought a Mazda was just about the easiest dealership experience I had. We bought my 66 year old mom a 2016 Mazda6 MT with a “friends and family” corporate discount. We were in and out of the dealership in about 35 minutes. No haggling, no up-selling, no financing gimmicks, just smiles.

I guess trump didn’t get the GOP message of complaining about ACA and making unkept promises to get elected. Getting rid of ACA is like killing the golden goose for them; actually doing it would mean they need to do a lot of hard work to make a better system with support from The People and Congress.

Maybe we’ll see a J-curve like FB...if they can show a model towards profitability in the next year.  Yes it IPO’d a few days ago, but this is not a new company and Wall St. expects results a lot faster than a young company.

They own a technology, infrastructure (that is not terrible difficult to replicate), and an image. They also own a huge cash-burn and a business model that does not show a path towards profitability. The latter can change but for most savvy investors, they want to see some proof of it before putting some serious coin

It’s very expensive for corporations to look the other way. For their own sake, they need to provide and protect a safe working environment. What the yahoos do on their own time is up to them, but they need to comply with federal, state, and company bylaws during when they’re on the clock. UPS has a similar issue in a

My 68 year old mom has a 2016 Mazda6 MT.  I test drove the auto and manual back to back and the auto just felt so anemic with the rapid upshifts.  My gripe with the manual is the gear ratios between 4th, 5th, and 6th gear does not seem tall enough.  6th gear should be 10% taller and should be a highway cruising gear. 

I can understand how she feels. She feels victimized, angry, and uncomfortable because she doesn’t understand history, other people’s perspectives, and simple facts. I’d be pretty upset going through life being ignorantly wrong all of the must be bonkers.

$18K for a 13 year old Cayman with 131K seems little high, but $18K isn’t too much when you consider all the fun you can have.  It seems like you can easier find other Caymans in great shape with half the mileage for roughly the same price.

I had the same idea back in 2010 after watching a NASCAR crew lift the car, replace 4 wheels, refuel, adjust the chassis, and pull a layer of plastic off the windshield in 13.8 seconds. With all the empty strip malls and warehouses during the recession, I figured a car wash model would work where the car is moved

My wife and I are pretty tidy people and clean up before we leave our hotel room. We typically appreciate turndown service, but we find housekeeping unnecessary for us and only request housekeeping every 3rd day.

I thought Obama did a lot for everyone. He had a large part in fixing the economy, helping more people than hurting through ACA, but there was too much to do and too much obstruction. My one gripe with him was not building a better alliances and strategies for dealing with geopolitics, and I felt like he could have

If you do find yourself grilling the glazed doughnut, I would suggest grilling some peaches (can’t wait for summertime) and some nice vanilla whipped cream or mascarpone as a topper with a dash of cinnamon.

That’s a tough question. If I couldn’t have a manual transmission, I’d just go with a direct drive reduction gear transmission. Virtually zero lag time, lightweight, strong, and relatively simple mechanics. Probably not the answer you’re looking for.

I don’t think it’s proper for a fat white (seemingly dim-witted) guy in a camo hat to try to tell a black man what to do...sexually and homophobic in nature or otherwise.

You couldn’t pay enough money to put up with the verbal assaults that fans lay into the players. I side with the players here. I’d probably finance my own goon/hit squad to make sure these idiots get the message...but I’m vengeful and petty. I’m honest though and I don’t put up with other people’s crap, especially if

I’ve had nothing but positive experiences when car shopping because I’ve been lucky, done a lot of research, have never needed to finance a vehicle, have my mind made up as to what I want and how much I’m willing to pay, and I reserve the action to walk away. In essence, the dealership has no leverage on me. I

My mom’s youngest brother committed suicide during his 3rd year of undergrad at University of Southern California. Apparently he was genius and had published works his is chemistry professor in his sophomore year (work that is usually done by graduate students). My mom said he wanted to pursue a doctorate program in

We bought a used off-lease 2013 Fiat 500e for $7,100 out the door. In two years, we’ve driven 46K miles on it, saving 1,703 gallons of gasoline compared to the Lexus Rx400h it replaced as a commuter/errand car. The car has paid for itself in terms of fuel and toll-road savings. Further, it saved my wife about 40