
1) Because as many wrongfully apply the mantra that “it’s a free country.”

Can you post an article of how to determine which WiFi networks are legitimately free public hotspots versus someone’s network posing as a free public hotspot?  I get suspicious with airport and mall WiFi networks as you’re inundated with similar looking IDs.

I never played pinball as a kid because I need to make my quarters last for hours. I spent a good several hours in my teen years playing “pinball” through Windows 95 Plus! As an adult, I’ve probably chucked $300 at various pinball games because they are so much fun. Like all games, I usually observe someone else

I don’t think Rudy is serving as a lawyer at all. He’s just muddying the waters and serves to forcefully distract.  Real lawyers cringe and I’m sure some get a little depressed to see what could happen to them later in their career.  

unless you have a specific skill set,

It’s getting harder and harder to find a pho restaurant where I’m not left with a headache these days. I think many places are switching to MSG or perhaps the sodium is just too high. I don’t get headaches from my in-law’s pho, but they let the broth develop overnight.

People tend to generalize that famous people, actors, and Europeans are more sexually liberal than their non-famous, average American counterparts. We get casted as the puritanical sexually repressed over here.

Braises and foods that marinade in a nice liquid seem to reheat very well such as stews, curries, & pasta sauces. Probably the worst thing to reheat are asian rice noodles like pho, Korean cold noodles (Naengmyeon), or even spring rolls (unless you wrap them up in plastic wrap).

Well that explains why Trump sounds like a white nationalist sympathist.

So how much do we attribute this behavior to her being an Italian actress, her being an alleged victim, this not happening in the way it’s alleged, and/or her just being a horrible human being? Not all victims go on to victimize others, but it’s a well-studied occurrence. It will be interesting to see what an

I’m assuming large number of Audi drivers do not keep their vehicles beyond 4 years...I’m assuming a relatively large proportion of drivers are leasing their cars and manuals just aren’t popular with that crowd.

I grilled my first peach last year and was completely blown away at the intensity of the flavor. However, if you get some peaches that aren’t particularly tasty I would advise dipped the peach chunks in a little mixture of honey, lemon juice, and cinnamon.

It’s a lot easier to own a partial stake in a private plane.  I mean, folks with planes only use less than 5% of the day so sharing a fleet of private planes is much more cost effective.  

Can we please correct the article to state that the “bumper cover” fell off. I believe the actual bumper is still intact.

Never did I imagine there would be a Psych/Monk crossover because I always considered Psych as a derivative of Monk. Shawn Spencer seemed like a cross between the deductive/inference skills of Adrian Monk with the muted twerpiness of Ace Ventura.

You’d have to look at all the fees (both hidden and disclosed); you can do this by looking at your net returns, but beware that there are different mutual fund classes with different fees and each administrator will have different fees as well.  Rolling over the a IRA would give you the most control, but the question

I’m not sure if anything you said is based in fact at all.  Do you have proof of anything?  I’m just not that quick to jump to conclusions without any evidentiary statements or facts.  Did Paul Walker rape you?  I’m more inclined to believe your words if you had some first hand knowledge about anything.

I don’t really know where to begin, but I suppose I’m pretty liberal when it comes to relationships. It doesn’t really bother me unless someone close to either party is accusing someone of abuse, manipulation, taking advantage, or trickery. I would be against the idea of a sexual relationship budding between a minor

I did SUP in the harbor and had some really good advice from the marina workers.  The key is not stand straight up.  You want a slight bend in your knees and to crouch down slightly for stability.  Think of it like guarding someone in basketball.  I’ve yet to fall off the board and find the activity to be a lot of

My wife hates these scooters with a passion. They’re littered all over the streets of Venice and Santa Monica, Ca. People don’t follow the rules, menace the sidewalk/walkways, and blow through stop signs. On top of that, she hates the CEO of Bird and resents him for claiming to be a small company trying to change