
He still tried to milk the cow—they bought Bioware, and greatly reduced the quality of their games. And people hate EA more than ever—they were rated the #1 most hated company last year!

Probably because they're worse than ever? Dead Space 3, Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2.. Sim City.. phoning it in, milking it, DRM-ridden.

Yeah. That's what we call "bullshit," my friend. You absolutely didn't, on either of the American servers.

What is that picture of the red and blue people with the lasers? Tribes?

And Nintendo takes another step towards becoming just another game developer, not a systems manufacturer. *Good*.

Now playing

This is probably my favorite MIDI-style song: the FF4 boss theme.

Tactics was the best Final Fantasy, hands-down.

No reasonable person equates the argument "religious objections should never be the basis a civil, secular law to keep two consensual adults from entering a legal contract" to "if we let two consensual adults enter a legal contract, naturally we won't be able to stop a person from entering a legal contract with a

Actually, there are numerous reasons why being open about it is a good thing—it's precisely what has caused the massive shift in opinion towards gays in the last 30 years. Homosexuality is now just one of about five dozen things that Bronze Age morality (i.e., Christianity) got wrong, along with slavery and women's

The OS itself is faster as in more responsive, but I find that nearly every game runs more slowly—in terms of loading levels—than under Windows 8.

Well, I'd just say that I found Demon's Souls difficult, but rewarding. The learning curve was steep, but once you get a little stronger, it was fun. I found Dark Souls to be much easier, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was already "trained" by Demon's Souls on how to play or because Dark Souls was so much

What's the point of the Naruto with his shirt off? "Ooh, look! I have abs!"

Ooh, responding to a two-month comment. Butt-hurt about something I said, I presume? Expecting competence in reporting is too much to ask, apparently.

What I said is still true: League has a better, more established competitive scene. And I am in the beta for DotA 2, as is almost everyone else.

The "sequels" to FFT are hated because their stories are complete, utter babified *shit*, and FFT's story was amazing and dark.

The PS3 (the original, fat one) weighed more than the original Xbox. By several pounds. Clearly, the weight of the console didn't matter quite as much as you seem to think.

FYI, the GameCube (original model) had component output, but they sold the component cables virtually NOWHERE. You had to go directly to the Nintendo online store to special order their proprietary cable, which was way overpriced. Then Nintendo figured that, because so few people had ordered a component cable from

Which really isn't much of a point at all. If competing in LoL was "so easy," how about putting your hat into the ring and making easy millions? Oh, right. You play "for fun," and aren't Platinum or Diamond, right? Even though it's as easy as breathing—it's just because you're much too busy to be good at it.

DotA itself was an additive effort from Eul, Guinsoo, Icefrog, etc. And Guinsoo works for Riot. And no, LoL isn't particularly "noob friendly," there are the same smurfing trolls plaguing new players as there are on DotA2 and HoN. And if anything, LoL's competitive scene is bigger than either one, in terms of players

You can play Halo (or pretty much any first person shooter) using one hand. One control stick, and the fire button. That's basically the equivalent of playing LoL with one hand. Whether you can do so at any decently competitive level is another issue.