I don’t mean to undermine your efforts or whatnot but it legitimately surprises me that some people have to grind for years for affiliate when it took me literally two weeks of daily streaming to hit affiliate back in April...
I don’t mean to undermine your efforts or whatnot but it legitimately surprises me that some people have to grind for years for affiliate when it took me literally two weeks of daily streaming to hit affiliate back in April...
Kiwami 2 is coming over here in record time, I’m pretty sure Sega’s current localization team is absolutely on point now for the series
Microsoft censored them from their fonts. MacOS and iOS renders them fine.
they missed out on actual penis .com domains because i bought those
I bought a few unicode emoji domains last year.
one of my friends was balding and had full facial hair in grade 10 and he’d buy booze all the time
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Wow, what stuck up school did you go to? Everyone had gameboys out during my time
Good. If it’s red it’s dead.
PvP and PvE servers are a thing of the past as of 8.0
Shouldn’t even state that last sentence due to mass legalization of marijuana
Weed is being legalized in more and more places and international players could test positive and be executed.
An international player from California could test positive for marijuana and be executed duder
I skipped the university step entirely. Dropped out grade 9, am now a senior software engineer at a multinational corporation pulling 6 figures.
I dropped out in grade 9 and am now a successful software engineer pulling 6 figures. Traditional schooling isn’t for everyone.
If you’re using the stock cooler then this could also be a compounded issue of it not being able to manage the job properly depending on your chassis and overall airflow.
Reapply your thermal paste then run Prime95 for load testing
Reapply your thermal paste then run Prime95 for load testing
I was really not expecting it to run nearly as bad as it does on the X. Hot damn is it a framerate nightmare.