Well, the problem isn’t fat PEOPLE, it’s fat WOMEN. Men can be fat because they’re allowed to have brains and make money. Women are for looking good, so it we’re fat we are completely irrelevant.
Well, the problem isn’t fat PEOPLE, it’s fat WOMEN. Men can be fat because they’re allowed to have brains and make money. Women are for looking good, so it we’re fat we are completely irrelevant.
I’ve seen a few things about how the marchers are fat and it’s like ... so? I mean, clearly, to these people fat women aren’t human and thus don’t count. It still takes a certain level of stupidity to not be able to come up with a better insult than that. Like, it’s not saying our policies are wrong, that we’re…
These fucking guys can’t even insult us properly.
Of course we live outside of Mississippi