Kirsten Corby

From what I understand , yes to both.

I did think it was strange that none of the minor houses broke, given what a slaughter it was, and that their support for Bolton is, as they say, a mile wide and an inch deep.

It really rattled me. Being buried alive is one of those irrational fears that I have. I was picking up the remote to turn it off for a while when eh broke free.

Well, you know, Jon did what he thought was morally right, and got stabbed in the gut by his own men for it. I think his opinions have changed.

It would have shown that's he's grown as a commander and a man. But no, he went off half-cocked like always.

So you're a fan of Ramsay Bolton? You must be the only one.

Yes, it was bloody awful. If we never lay eyes on Dorne again it'll be fine with me.

Slaver's Bay! Dany would forgive that I think, as long as they left Mereen alone.


No, I can't tell you how glad I was to see the Kingsmoot handled in one scene. In earlier seasons they could have dragged that out for six episodes. It's not important to the larger story. Have done with it. I hate the entire Ironborn storyline, in the show and in the books, so the less time spent on it, the better.

The Mongols were also known for this encircling maneuver, although with cavalry not infantry. And yes it was just as horrible.

He did tell Mel, if I die again don't raise me.

It's true, this is the kind of thing that breaks a man for good. Almost being buried alive by corpses, you don't get over that. Jon won't break, because he's the hero, but you can;t walk away from an experience like that unscathed.

No, I hated the Dorne storyline in the books. The whole thing seemed completely pointless to me. And Quentyn Martell? WTF was that? The less seen of Dorne the better.

It's not for nothing. Sansa and Jon have recaptured Winterfell, and now have a strong and viable base from which to reunite the North and fight the War for the Dawn. As Robb said when Theon temporarily occupied Winterfell, why should anyone follow me if I can't even defend my own home? Jon and Sansa needed to do

Not luck. The favor of the gods.

yeah, that's like Non-Mechanized Warfare 101, and it might even work in some modern contexts too.

I can't blame him for riding out to try to save Rickon. Who wouldn't? It was worth a chance. But once Rickon was killed he should have retreated to his lines and led the charge in good order, instead of running off half cocked and alone, and leaving Davos and Tormund to wonder, oh-oh, WTF do we do now? THAT is the

I agree, absolutely epic episode, and after six years of misery and torment we deserve some freaking good news. A double-plus for me.

It's what Machiavelli recommended. When you conquer a nation, slaughter every one of its leaders, or they will spend every waking moment of the rest of their lives trying to get it back from you.