Kirsten Corby

You have a point here.

It was the stag he gave to Shireen, in the remains of a bonfire. And he knows how fond Melisandre is of burning people. He knows exactly what happened now.

Is he going to torment her with this knowledge for a while, or just stab a knife straight into her heart?

No he wasn't. Just the same sadistic bullshit over and over. We get it, he's a psycho. Enough already. So glad he's dead finally.

No, Brienne carried her letter. Sansa wrote to LF by raven.

Yes, it was a lazy trope and I loved it. If any show deserves a happy ending by now, it's GoT.

Really, that's the kind of thing that breaks a person for good.

Didn't bother me, because I think it was showing that Jon really is Azor Ahai, the Prince that was Promised. Clearly the gods are behind him — no mere mortal could have survived all that.

Me too. She also told Littlefinger, "I can feel in my body what he did to me right now." Sounds like forshadowing to me.

Yeah, I think the producers realized that whole storyline was a mistake, and stuck a fork in it, "it" being Doran Martell. Good riddance, Dorne was a mess.

Some people think he's a Blackfyre, which is a line of bastard Tagaryens that was foolishly legitimized about a century ago by one of the bad, crazy Tagaryen kings, and have contested for the throne off and on ever since.

No, I have to disagree. His storyline is much more interesting in the show.

I was very annoyed by the Tyrion joke-time scene. I actually paused the DVR and asked my husband, "What is the point of this scene? The have a lot left to do and only 13 episodes to do it."

Yes, I was bummed that Arya's assassin arc wrapped up in the most predictable, obvious way possible, after all the freaky theories that were going around.

You can hate them both equally. They both need to go.

That statement gave me a turn too. It was meant to.


Yes, her.

She already sent Brienne to recruit Blackfish personally. It'll be interesting when Brienne runs into Jamie Lannister at Riverrun.

Jon's brother Robb was declared King in the North. Jon has king's blood.