Doing another one seems like a logistical nightmare with labels and artists. Games are already expensive to make adding 20+ likenesses of rappers would be insane.
Doing another one seems like a logistical nightmare with labels and artists. Games are already expensive to make adding 20+ likenesses of rappers would be insane.
I’ve had 2 pretty big “break ups” with my online circles:
Def agree that everyone around her was like “How could this happen? Who could have foreseen this?!” Oh i dunno, maybe her bombing Gilneas with blight?!
I mean if you talking about Sylvannas then clearly you weren’t paying any attention to what she actually cared about and her intentions for joining the Horde in the first place.
You didn’t name Tomb Raider. Honestly, video games movies are at BEST ok.
Yeah their 1.6 billion dollar revenue from last year, coupled with their move to buy another developer for a new IP sure does spell gloom and doom for ol’ Rito James.
Riot does a lot about toxic players, some slip through the cracks but RiotLyte has been on a war path and has pissed off A LOT of trolls lately with his ban hammer.
GG: in charge of NOT knowing how game design all.
The laziness was the fact they really had a very narrow view of female characters for a while. They started actually trying with characters like Leona, Jinx, Ilaoi, and now Taliyah. Most of the female characters had really interesting stories it just a lot of overshadowed by being waifu bait.
If there are no references to .Hack, I will be disappointed.
He’s actually, from what I hear, a really nice guy. He tried REALLY hard to keep Johnny Manzel from getting into trouble by getting him counseling and letting him stay at his home.
That Rob Ford character would be amazing to watch his spiral into addiction and still stay in office, while you do his crooked dealings.
I’d play a GTA in Toronto with Drake as a SIDE character or DLC.
Mad because you can’t hit your running man as smooth as them.
If Nexon took the route of cosmetic items for lock style, item for your mog house, mount barding, basically what FFXIV does for it’s microtransactions this would be perfect.
Single player with FFXII combat, I’m in.
I’m actually still interested what they will do with this game. I would LOVE if they eventually port it to PC.
I felt that BGH nerf in my gibblybits.