100%. If you leave it open to arbitrary determination based on whether the referee thinks the player is “close enough” to the bench or not, it opens way too large a can of worms. How many strides is close enough?
100%. If you leave it open to arbitrary determination based on whether the referee thinks the player is “close enough” to the bench or not, it opens way too large a can of worms. How many strides is close enough?
This is something you learn when you are 8 years old when playing hockey. Exit the zone before going to the bench. Yes, it is a stupid rule that doesn’t affect the game play. It is the same as turning toward second base after you cross first base playing baseball. In youth hockey, before the 2nd period starts, one of…
Well said. But I might be more appalled by the folks who plan to vote for him again. In 2016, I thought he’d be a terrible president, but I didn’t have any evidence. Now we do. Now we have proof he can’t do the job, that he’s dangerous now and dangerous going forward. And millions of people are getting ready to vote…
Donald Trump is trash. Everyone who supports and voted for him are trash and I hope they spend the rest of eternity stepping on Legos in Hell.
Yet more indisputable evidence that everyone who voted for this clown is either an idiot, an asshole, or both. There is no other possibility.
Not his first time failing to maintain a line an endangering other horses and jockeys. To be clear, the race today was breathtakingly close to a full on disaster
I mean, if this wasn’t the most famous horse race in America that decision would have been made in like 3 minutes
From what I’ve heard Robert didn’t mind taking it in the end, Never heard anything about Christopher though.
You complaining about people complaining about spoilers who complain about the people who complain about spoilers.
The Orville isn’t a parody, it’s mostly very sincere. Seth MacFarlane isn’t parodying Star Trek, he’s living out a dream of being a starship captain but wrote his own show since he knew Paramount would never hand him the reins to Trek.
My context was in a law firm, but it works in any labor-intensive and/or heirarchical setting. A client need not thank you - that’s his or her prerogative, and no emotionality need apply. But coworkers are just that - coworkers and colleagues. The heirarchical work environment frequently involves a junior person doing…
I think we can all agree, the Hartford Whalers are awesome
There's always levels to this, but Rhame should absolutely have been thrown out for throwing two pitches up by Hoskins' head. If you want to plunk a guy on the thigh or butt that's dumb but at least not potentially breaking a bone in the face or giving a guy a concussion. Honestly a lot of credit to Hoskins for not…
i think it’s pretty cool that someone’s going to reinvent cable and call it an innovation
I don’t think even the Caps in their usual post-season peak Capsiness have done that. They’ve blown the series lead, sure (2010 against the Habs comes to mind), but nothing like that that I can remember.
I don’t think I read a single preview that had the Phillies more than two or three games removed from the Nats in either direction, with one or the other at the top of the division. No one expected it to be a runaway.
Yeah, I don’t think the Phillies were ever expecting to run away with the division. They may have been a slight favorite, but as you noted, there were four teams that were all given reasonable odds of winning the division. And the Marlins.
this is a team that expects to run away with the NL East title
What the hell do you have against Ambrosia salad, friendo?
imagine if she DIDN’T tell them where the truck was... and returned to ask them. She should’ve let them sweat it out a bit. Stealing it back was genius.