I Love Janet!

To steal and paraphrase an oft-used line from a blog about home repair and historical restoration I like to read, it’s not good because it’s old, but it’s as old as it is, because it’s good.

That same afternoon, one of those very expensive defense lawyers argued that the police report describes so well a masseuse “manipulating Krafts’ penis” that there is no need to see the video; defense lawyers generally argue that everything in police reports is wrong.”

Said Woods: “Well, he’s the president of the United States. You have to respect the office. No matter who is in the office, you may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect the office.”

How many black women has Tiger dated?  That’s all you need to know...

Fuck Tiger. That’s all I’ve got lol

No shit, everyone’s acting like he overcame cancer! More like “self-inflicted arrogant asshole finally wins another game a decade later

to see him do it as a man who had been humanized, more or less against his will—by divorce, by injury, by addiction, by public vilification, and by dozens of other factors that were never in his nor his old man’s career blueprint

Golf is the republican party of sports. You got rich assholes playing and wannabe rich assholes cheering them on.

[Makes note to avoid sports radio and ESPN’s shouting shows next week.]

Because “Mentally ill” is reserved for white school shooters, not black murderers.

It was such a great idea to continue to defund mental health services! What could go wrong? /s

The report itself could have been sent electronically instead of being handed to Sisko manually. I’ve frequently walked into my boss’s office and said “I just sent you that report you asked for,” and that led to a conversation right there. I was commenting only on the technology, not the dramatic devices the audience

I don’t recall the exact episode. The report itself could have been sent electronically instead of being handed to Sisko manually. I’ve frequently walked into my boss’s office and said “I just sent you that report you asked for,” and that led to a conversation right there. The point I was making had nothing to do with

Yeah, damn if they weren’t taught to do a shitty thing effectively, as part of a shitty decision. Hot damn!

I take a healthy dose of fiber supplement daily. Cup of coffee and a tall glass of water first thing, and 99% of the time I can have a complete and satisfying purge on my own throne before I leave the house.

Hard to admit,  harder to submit. You ever need an ear,  please reach out. I'm busy as hell but I'll try

Keep rolling brother. You're doing great.

Coming up on 2 years and 2 months sober. There are times I desperately want a drink to just relax with, but then I remember all the pain and heartache I caused when I drank.

It’s a hard hill to climb, but well worth it. Congrats and keep up the good work!

Nicely done.  Congratulations!
