I Love Janet!

I’ve been on both sides of the table on this one over the last 20yrs, as an interviewer and as an applicant, plus as an applicant who does/does not send thank you notes (I’ve worked with agencies that insist on doing so). My own take:

in this corner Chris Davis, Batting Avg: Zero in this corner Nats relief pitcher Trevor Roosenthal, ERA : Infinity.

For every Deadspin article about a player getting underpaid or avoiding free agency in exchange for long-term deals at less than “open-market value” - this article should be linked at the bottom as a reminder of the flip side of the coin when teams overpay for garbage and end up having to trot out said garbage with a

So do I have to tip the ten people down the row who delivered it from his hands as well?

“I thought the criminal justice system was perfect in 99.9 percent of the situations.”

It’s like massaging a walrus!

McCarthy was like a father to Aaron.

Aaron Rodgers is Petty.

A graduate of the Earl Weaver School of the Manager/Umpire Dialogue

Also, why do they care if Emily orders something “bland”? She’s there, she’s eating, presumably she tips 20%, there’s no mention of her complaining or saying “Ew gross!” about their food.

But these people go out every single week. Why shouldn’t they all get turns? Man, based on the other comments, apparently assholes abound here, too.

The fairest solution is to rotate restaurant selection among the four of them. While it might seem assholish of Emily to not like the food at the restaurants the group picks, it’s assholish of the group to never pick a place that will make Emily happy.

I have my “Emily” moments—part of it is my preference for getting bang for the buck and an extra-bigass plate of food if I’m going to pay good money for it, part of it is that there are certain cuisines I simply can’t stand (the smell of Indian cuisine makes me reflexively retch and I’d rather eat my shoe than Greek

No, they aren’t. There are no Trek themes in this show. Trek was literally about discovery, exploring new ideas, pushing the boundaries of conventional thought.

Because they now have countless examples of *how to do it*.

I should also note Mack is possibly the biggest and most successful of modern Treklit writers - he wrote several keynote works, including Destiny (which is Treklit’s answer to the Borg, both ending them and explaining them in elegant fashion, a trilogy published in 2009), then when the Pocket licence was possibly

I would be severely disappointed if this all turns into a Borg origin story. Especially since Enterprise already did a time traveling Borg story (following up First Contact). But at least Enterprise’s usage makes sense within the context of previous episodes/movies (aside from the contrivance of never having them

DS9 firmly established a Star Trek type of offshoot - still clearly in the same universe with a clear chain of command, but not set on a ship, lots of non-federation crew members - and then worked from there. Hell, even Picard was in the first episode to give it a send off and help establish Sisko’s traits right off

This show just doesn’t feel anything like Trek, no matter how many ST-trope balls the manatees drag out of the tank.

The right in the U.S. really does seem to to be an organization of all the deplorable pathologies, doesn’t it? Like, the right-wing in America is not an organization of peoples united by ideas who fall somewhere between nominally and fervently supporting a set of issues, causes and ideas so much as a group of people