I Love Janet!

Until you get behind Grandma who wants to pay with EXACT CHANGE and takes 15 years to pull that last penny out of her giant handbag. Then you start thinking about all the ways you could kill her and make it look like an accident.

Yup. I didn’t sign up for an unlimited bill — I got in line to pay $4 for my order. Take if off the next order, but I’m not buying that car’s food/drink sight unseen. I don’t give a blank check to charities, why would I give it to the non-charity behind me?!?

:) I seem to get stuck behind the retard that can’t add so when the cashier gives them the total they realize they don’t have enough or worse, they start counting and losing track of counting, dropping pennies, etc.

Not always true. I get behind the people that either need change from a millennial cashier that failed at math and takes forever to count out the change or needs to break open a roll of pennies. Or the little old lady that breaks out her pocket book to count out 97 cents in change. Standard debit and charge usually is

Star Trek has been devalued so much by the Abrams trash and STD that I don’t even want this. I honestly never would have wanted it, because as much as I love TNG and Picard, that time is over, and Picard without the rest of the TNG crew is a plain-faced cash grab.

Oh that obnoxious Toronto media, always talking about the incredibly popular local sports team. When will it end?

I wish you’d run for office.  The main things missing from politics in this country are empathy and common sense, both of which you display in almost every post I’ve read from you.  Thanks for giving me a little hope.  

Who knew that Frank Reich and John DeFilippo meant so much to this team.

There was a second spitter!

Abandoned them how?  By not buying into their fairy tale myths about reality?

Yes, the Eagles are terrible... but who gives a shit? We won for the first time EVER last year, I’m not feeling hungry or greedy over here, and was not one of the “Let’s run it back!” crowd, because it was a minor miracle that they won last year anyway.

Any republican in any position other than head lodged firmly in ass is a huge downside as far as I’m concerned.

You’re damn right, I’m grousing. Because it wasn’t enough that America let Benito Mussolini scrape out a win in 2016, when we finally got a chance to reign him in... Dems barely edged out a house win? In response to Donald motherfucking Trump? That is a fucking DISGRACE and a damning indictment of American society. In

If we add Montreal and Las Vegas, and Tampa and Colorado swap leagues, there’s a pretty nifty alignment to be had which keeps a lot of rivalries and makes decent travel sense:

I recently moved maybe a mile away from where I had been, and my polling place switched to a spot that’s even more convenient. I was able to do my job on the way to work and it took maybe 10 minutes. It was a breeze.

Vote, people! Brace the cold and rain and get your job done! No Kinja comments until then.

It’s reached the point where I’m not fazed by this although I absolutely should be. That’s how far we’ve fallen in two years. Ethics no longer exist for Republicans. And the Fox News code of ethics probably reads like: “Whatever it takes to make Lord Trump happy.”

To be clear, I will not be on stage campaigning with the President. I am covering a final rally for my show.

“I had no idea you were going to invite me up here” *pulls out prepared speech from inner suit pocket like faux-humble Oscar winner and puts on reading glasses*

I’m surprised that after he was invited on stage Hannity didn’t start just squealing “You like me! You really like me!”