I Love Janet!

If they weren’t my friends, would they let me eat the leftovers from the buffet table at the end of my shift? Didn’t think so, libtard!

It’s the president’s job to bring these two groups together.  Trump is purposely dividing to continue his hold on power.  

It never stops to hurt my heart that Trump is president. Ultimately, not because of the ugly qualities that this article perfectly captures but because it told me something that I didn’t know about the working, everyday 63 million fellow Americans with whom we share the country. I used to love road trips and exploring

You’d do anything for friends, but you wouldn’t do that”?

What’s wrong is you have not shared said lyrics with us.

Tomato gets promoted and longtime commenters languish in the grey. Truly there is no justice.

The fuck are you gibbering about, Tomato? And why is it that you are in the black with no stars?

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the new University of Maryland football coach.

This is the part that pisses me off. When Democrats have ideas, not only does the GOP reject them wholesale, but then they become abusive and start claiming that these ideas don’t even EXIST.

If anything, they have a ton of ideas, with some being contradictory enough that it’s not always easy to present a consensus. Compare with the party of “God wouldn’t let us be inconvenienced or hurt by climate change.”

I was going to say the same thing, pretty sure Trump doesn’t have a single original idea. He just has a list of what Obama did, and says okay we will do the opposite.

“This is the party of no, this is the party of obstruction. They have no ideas, they have no policies” Yeah, that GOP...wait, they are talking about Democrats? I’m pretty sure I’ve written that exact sentence about 100 times since the GOP came into power. The Dems have lots of ideas. Fixing healthcare, making college

Did anyone really think that Ty Montgomery would still be a Packer after what he did on Sunday?  If they didn’t get the 7th rounder for him, I’m pretty sure he’d have been cut. 

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Well, you also have congress and senate where you can not do any work ever once you get the job and get paid big bucks.  Also, lifetime health care and pension!  You may have to kiss one corporate ass but no real work.

or if you do well you get lots and lots of money and if you do poorly you have to settle for just lots of money.

Then can’t we just send them all to monster truck rallies?

I mean, fuck if you want to get in the weeds with me, the entire concept of bearing arms during the time the constitution was written was in relation to military participation.

To “bear arms” has a strictly military meaning at the time and our famed “orignalist” Fuck face Scalia disregards that in his opinions.

The 2nd

does anyone else hold a job that when you are fired you can still ask for money? asking for a friend 

Why are we still trying to understand the psyche of trump supporters? I think, after recent events, that it is becoming increasingly clear that they are not nearly as deep or inscrutable as we might want to believe... They are what they are and what they seem to be : White nationalists driven by bigotry and fear