
Indeed. The horror of law-abiding noncitizens daring to reenter the U.S. after Mexico has just suffered one of the strongest earthquakes in its history! Falfurrias, Texas will never be unsullied.

While I certainly won’t disagree that the X7 concept grille is hideous, BMW has vastly larger problems than design right now. I’d also take the current Bimmer lineup over anything from the Bangle years any day of the week. (“GT” variants excluded.)

Believe it or not, the various Bimmer “GTs” are surprisingly popular in Europe. (Not that I disagree about their looks.)

Subaru has one attractive car: the Crosstrek (both the original and new 2018 version). The Outback is OK; the Forester’s too tall; the Impreza’s just plain odd; and the Legacy was beat with the same ugly stick as the new two-door Civic Si. (I’m not including the Toyobaru BRZ here, but it’s fine.)

If you have even a rudimentary grasp of Uber’s history, you probably know the ride-hailing service as a start-up with a history of rebuffing regulations as much as it possibly can.

Let’s do some math.

I’m curious what kind of demographics Jalopnik has amassed about its readership, particularly with respect to age. I say that specifically because I’m old enough (albeit barely) to have actually driven a brand-new automatic MR2 from the era - back-to-back with a stick, no less. As is almost universally the case with

You could just flip her over. (I’m gay, so I get to say shit like this.) Isn’t anal a major straight-guy fantasy? (Truth be told, it is much tighter up there...)

First time I’ve heard the phrase, but I’m totally stealing it.

A few notes:

Sorry, but I have to call bullshit on half of this:

1. Desalination plants are mind-blowingly expensive, to the extent that the *only* nation on earth that uses them on a broad scale is Israel. (And in their case they basically have no other option, plus the nation is literally compact enough to fit inside the greater Los Angeles area.)

Actually, California needs to face the reality that it no longer has the water reserves necessary to sustain its agriculture industry. Translation: a big chunk of it needs to go.

Hate to break it to you, but SoCal already gets nearly all its water from NoCal (and the Sierra Nevadas), so a water cannon wouldn't have much effect.

I'm not sure if Sprzout misspoke, but while there aren't literally exclusive franchise deals, there are definitely de facto ones. Example: in many markets the local phone company (usually AT&T or Verizon) either owns or has exclusive access to the telephone poles it put up many decades ago. (This, of course, only

I think we're agreed on most points, although I think you're overemphasizing Uber's (seriously lame) "Operation SLOG" thing in a childish attempt to "sabotage" Lyft. I'm not defending it in the least, but there's also been no evidence that it's part of a recurring pattern.

...or you can buy it. I'm amazed only than anyone thinks stealing names and DL numbers is a big deal. Meanwhile, the bigwigs at Experian and FICO are laughing their collective asses off, seeing as they own THE ENTIRE ADULT HISTORY of nearly every person in North America. Everywhere you've lived; everyone you've lived

If Gawker Media planned to purchase a controlling stake in every company it slammed on a regular basis, Nick Denton would've gone bankrupt circa 2004 or so.

"They leave no tip and don't even leave 5 stars (yes, drivers have ways of deducing what rating you left them the next day)."

A few things: